twenty: In Which They Become Separated a Second Time

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Damon was in an infuriatingly good mood. And why shouldn't he be? He was promised to be united with the love of his life in just a few short hours and then all of his problems would vanish in a cloud of smoke.

"Assuming I can even do the spell, which I won't know until I see it," Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"What happened to hope, Bon?" Damon mocked, "Remember how I was all like boo, grr. And you were like 'Hooray, hooray we're getting out of here'."

"Look, I want to go home more than anything but Kai's a sociopath. What's to say he won't screw us over?"

"Me." Damon declared and pointed forward with the stick he had found. "I say. Because I will kill anyone that comes in the way of me going home."

Ria rolled her eyes as she trudged behind. She made numerous attempts at running away but Damon found her within a couple of minutes. His vampirism gave him an advantage and he brought her back against her will each time.

Ria didn't want to leave, and although Kai, Bonnie and Damon believed it was because of her old excuse, Ria now had a different reason why.

The Trinity had left an imprint on her soul and mind, and she feared what would happen if she was unleashed into civilization.

In mirrors and water where she could see reflections, the shadow of the three hooded figures stood. In her mouth was the metal and sour taste of blood. Her thoughts, when left alone were guarded by violent images of death and destruction.

She felt a lot like what Bonnie and Damon were labelling Kai, and it was only a matter of time before she acted on the urges.

"I heard my name. All good I hope." Kai approached them from the woods. "The eclipse will happen directly overhead. Perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. You dig into the tunnels under, we'll do the spell there."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes in suspicion and asked, "Why?"

"Have you ever portal jumped through an eclipse before? The light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the ascendant you spout a little witchy woo and poof. Anyone in the circle standing will be sent home. And by witchy woo I mean the spell, and you'll know the spell when the time comes."

Kai then walked past them without more of an explanation.

"Where are you going?"

"Into town. I need to gather some important supplies."


"You know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave and," Bonnie stopped talking when Damon shot her a warning look. 

With one final hit on the ground, the dirt fell revealing the tunnel Kai had promised them.

"Looks like I got back just in time." Damon ignored Kai and ran full speed, tearing into the pack.

"These are the important things you went back for?" he asked in disbelief.

"Look, the future sounds great. All right? I'm super excited about the Internet. But 1994 has been my home for most of my life and I don't want to get homesick. So let's-"

"No," Bonnie declared as she jumped up from her seat on the ground. "We aren't going anywhere until you show me the spell."

Kai shrugged, looking at them.

"Are we literally not going anywhere?" Damon then paused, "Emmers you know the moment you take one step I'll have you dragged back here,"

Ria stomped her foot in annoyance, but Kai smirked when a light feeling overcame him. He knew Ria didn't want to go back, but he couldn't help the feeling of content knowing he would see her again.

"Fine. You don't wanna show me the spell, then you can do it yourself. You want my magic, take it."

"Uh-oh, she's being brave," Kai whispered provoking a reaction.

"Go ahead, take it. leave us for dead. Take all of it."

"Don't mind if I do," he grabbed her shoulders. 

When Bonnie's grunts of pain became louder and the wickedness in Kai's eyes illuminated, Ria shouted; "Stop this, stop it now!"

"He doesn't know the spell." Bonnie grinned despite the pain, "which means we don't need him." With a flick of her wrist, Bonnie forced the shovel into Kai's chest and he fell back, becoming unconscious in seconds.

Damon yelled out, knowing how Ria would react. If she didn't take well to her boyfriend being killed, there was no way she'd trust them when another love interest was killed.

She dropped to the ground beside him, her fingers trembling at the sight of blood. Her eyes blurred with tears and she glared back at Bonnie.

"Figures. Killers abide by killers."

"Great work, Bonnie," Damon patted her shoulder and walks away.


"On the bright side, this stuff's not bad. fruity and fizzy. On the not so bright side you. Because you took the only chance of us getting out of here and turned him into a giant douche kabob."

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Think about it Damon, what prison gives the inmate the key?"

"Is that a trick question, or is this stuff actually starting to kick in?"

"The Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place. What if that's why grams sent us here. She told me to stay strong. what if that's her telling me how to get out?" she began to chant and the ascendant opened.

"That's why he wouldn't kill me. I was his only way out of here." She then grabbed her bag and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

She looked back at Damon, "Home, come on."


Ria screamed bloody murder struggled against Damon's chest. "I'll never forgive you," she threatened as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'll hate all of you for the rest of my life."

Damon grunted in pain when she bit his hand. "You're going home Emmers. I don't care if you spend the rest of your life planning revenge on me."

"Don't let him do this," Ria turned with pleading eyes to Bonnie. "Don't ruin my life, please I'm begging you."

"We're doing this for your own good, Ria. I'm sorry,"

Ignoring her screams, Bonni cut her hand and collected the blood onto the ascendant. 

"It's time Damon."

"Let's get awkward," he agreed and attempted to hold Ria with one arm. "I'm sure there are about a billion people you'd rather be here with."

"Not exactly."

"Let me go!"

"Let's go before she loses her voice and we have to come back to find it-"

For a moment everyone went silent as an arrow stabeds Bonnie in the stomache.

"forgetting someone?" Kai smirked, lowering the weapon.

She stopped struggling at the sight of blood and then frozen when her vision became clouded with nightmares.  

"Did you really think I hadn't tried to kill myself before? Because I had. Lots of times and lots of ways." Damon's eyes flickered to the ascendant, "Grab that and the next one goes in her heart, your choice."

Letting go of Ria, he ran to Bonnie and ripped the arrow, giving her his blood. 

Enraged, Damon attacked Kai who shoved a second arrow into him. As they fought, Bonnie, bleeding and wounded grabbed the ascendant.

"Bonnie, take Ria and get out of here," Damon yelled.

"I won't make it," Bonnie struggled with her breath. She thought back to Elena and how happy she'd be knowing Bonnie was able to return Damon and Ria back to her. Struggling with her breath and putting all of her energy into a final spell, Bonnie smiled at Damon, "but you are,"

Kai was swept to the opposite side of the room. Bonnie threw him the ascendant and pushed Ria into the circle. 

In a flash of light the two disappear.

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