chapter fifty-one: In Which Old Feelings Rise

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Ria grabbed a rock and chucked it at Kol's head. 

This was not the welcome he expected, but then again, nothing was ever what he expected with her.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he caught it in his hand. "I died before love, not quite ready to do it again."

"Yeah," her voice was breathless, "but last time I checked when someone dies they stay dead."

His eyes softened as he took a step towards his first love. She appeared so different from the last time he saw her, but nonetheless, she was just as beautiful.

Her round doe-eyes guarded the emotions he knew she was trying to hide. Years ago, these emotions she would put on display for him, but now they were hidden as though she had lost all trust. He cupped her cheek in his hands and brushed the scar itched onto her skin. Someone hurt her.

He rested his forehead against hers as his hands trailed down to her hips. "Please forgive me" he breathed out in a deep voice. He shut his eyes tight, unable to stare at the angel in his arms. "I was stupid. I was selfish. I should not have left you alone when you needed me and were scared. I'm so, so sorry love."

Her voice cracked as she whispered, "I tried to bring you back."

Ria never thought in a million years she would be in Kol Mikaelson's arms again. She never thought that she would be able to look into his soft, brown eyes and feel the comfort of home.

He was an unpredictable man who installed unpredictable feelings within her chest. Even now.

"I wanted to come looking for you," he told her with a sigh. "But so much has happened."

"Well, I'll be here for a couple of days. We have time to catch up."

"Only for a couple of days?" her heart clenched at his saddened stare. "Where do you have to go?"

At this, her heart began to break. Years ago in the villages of Bulgaria where they spent an entire summer, he had knelt to the ground holding a small ring made from clovers. She could not stop grinning at his childish remarks and silly gestures, as he promised her support, friendship, and sincerity. At that moment she threw her arms around his neck and let the tears flow down her face as she promised him the same.

But then, although unspoken, she promised the same to Kai Parker. And then, although unspoken, she promised the same to Stefan Salvatore.

Ria stared into his dark brown eyes that appeared so sad and alone and began to hate herself for not looking hard enough. For not waiting long enough.

Kol felt ashamed of holding her in his arms for he knew that what he had to say would break her in ways that no man would be able to fix again.

He wanted to rip into his own chest and dig out his pumping heart as he stared into her grieving doe-eyes. He should not have listened to his conniving brothers. He should have searched for her.

The Fates knew best.

Elijah ran after Davina. She was fuming with anger- and rightfully so. She should not be the one fending off bachelor after bachelor, it should be her fiance who stood beside her and glared at every man who even considered staring at her.

"If he doesn't care why would he commit?" she seethed out. "I'll have Kol Mikaelson know exactly how I feel."

"Perhaps this can wait until after the party?" he suggested but it was no use anymore. She stopped abruptly and Elijah slowed his steps behind her.

Guilt was what he felt. Not only did he stand idolly by and listen as Klaus told their youngest brother that his love ran away and made them promise never to look for her again, but he encouraged a romance to blossom between Kol and Davina.

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