twenty-one: In Which She Makes It

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Ria fell from the sky and landed in the middle of a lake.

Her muscles burned and she couldn't feel her fingers, but after what seemed like hours she touched the dry land. She fell back onto the dirt, away from the freezing water.

She hugged herself for warmth and began to walk around to keep her muscles moving. When she found an open road leading into a town, the eerie sound of silence enveloped her.

A sense of deja vu crept up her spine and the familiarity of what happened years ago swept over her.

She was alone, there was no one here. How?

The last thing she remembered was Damon grabbing onto her shoulders as they were ripped away from the Prison World. She couldn't see past the blur of color and reality but she did feel Damon's grip loosen before she fell into the water.

Ria didn't believe in much but recent years had changed her views and beliefs about life.

She knew that the Trinity did not win her soul because of her will power. She did not want to hurt Kai, she did not want the Trinity to take over her mind, or her body for that matter, and so their power was defeated by Ria's will.

In the same manner, Ria did not want to leave the Prison world for earth again and so no matter which force was being used, nothing could force her to leave.

That was why Ria entered the same portal as Damon, but where as Damon returned to civilization, Ria landed in a different state in the prison world. Texas to be exact.

"First things first," she grunted as she jogged for a  small store. "I need food. Then, I'll figure out if I really am alone or this is a post-apocalyptic world."

She broke the window with a rock, stepping over the shattered glass and reaching for the bin of cashews with one hand and for the newspaper with the other.

"May 10th, 1994?"

She roamed the store, chugging from a carton of milk and munching on cookies. She stopped at the front of the store, jumping onto the counter to lie down. 

She desperately wanted to make her way back to Mystic Falls and for more than one reason. On the top of the list was giving Bonnie a painful demonstration as to why she should leave her alone. Second, she needed her journal which was in a drawer in the Salvatore house. Of course, there was also him.

The psychotic man-child had definitely left an impression on Ria, and she was not going to ignore the jealousy controlling her violent thoughts every time Kai flirted with Bonnie.

"Oh hell," she groaned running a hand through her knotted hair, "I'm in love with Kai Parker. But, I can't see him anymore. He's going to find a way out of here, I know he is. He's freaking Kai Parker, he can do anything."

Ria knew she wasn't part of his narrative, and she did not want to force herself into a drama that did not include her. She felt physically ill deciding to continue on with her life as though she had never met the man with anger issues.

But as we all know, Kai Parker is not one to easily accept defeat.

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