ten: In which Kai becomes Malachai

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"I'm Malachi Parker; sociopath, psychopath, and on Wednesdays a hot dog vendor."

"Kai," Ria glared ignoring the sandwich had held out to her.

"I was a hot dog vendor," he defended as he bit into an apple, "but business was unusually slow so I gave that up."

"Just tell me everything as it is without the sarcasm and jokes. Please. I don't care how bad you think it is."

Kai pursed his lips and looked away from her.

"My coven, the Gemini Coven, sent me to this 1994 prison world after I murdered- or maimed my four younger siblings, attempted to murder my other twin younger siblings, and force merge with my twin sister. I'm a witch, no powers of course. But I do have a particular effect on it, able to take it from other witches.

"The family didn't like that, they called me an abomination, other mean and hurtful names. I wasn't allowed to touch anyone, was locked in my room most days of the year.

"I would have won that merge fair and square, everyone knew it. I'm strong, I would have been the best leader for the Coven. My dad didn't want his defective son taking his place though. So he and mom kept having kids until another set of twins was born.

"Of course, after this long period of self-reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I could have handled it better. Not my proudest moment when I had to rip out my sister's spleen. But I was nice enough to make a reasonable deal.

"She would merge with me and in exchange, I wouldn't kill the other twins. But during the merge, nothing was happening. I mean, it should have been a big deal but nope.

"I was sent here. My father, the all great and powerful coven leader- he treated me like crap for 22 years and then locked me in here. It's like his... like his kids didn't even matter. The Coven always came first no matter what. Although, he did teach me to cook. I guess he's got that going for him."

Ria sat back, horrified.

She believed her life was a tragedy, written by poetic nymphs and the fates cast it down upon her as a sick joke but Kai Parker had lived a catastrophe.

She couldn't bring herself to say anything, but if Kai could feel what she felt- he'd understand why words couldn't express the feelings.

Ria ached to hold that child who was shunned upon by his own family, disgraced and rejected by the very people who were supposed to love him first and last despite any mistakes he may have made.

Her heart bled for the boy who was eager and desperate to prove his worth to a father who was disgusted by a characteristic his son had not chosen.

Finally, Ria felt miserable for the man sitting before her.

He wasn't born evil and it certainly wasn't his fault for being a siphoner, she blamed his parents for hating him, treating him like a monster, and forcing the jealous and confused boy to act out in anger.

To become alien to any form of remorse.

"So, Ria, what about you?" Kai became uncomfortable under the stare of her round doe eyes. He grew anxious. "An abomination? A psycho? A monster? What do you think I am?"

Ria became offended hearing this, had he really believed she would be one of those people to place a label and blame the entirety of his crimes on him alone?

She shook her head and stood up to her feet. She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to do.

She began walking backward, the locket falling from her lap onto the ground where she ignored it.

"I- I have to go."

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