twenty-five: In Which She Breaks

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"You really think this is gonna work?"

Elena and Bonnie didn't look up from the books they were analyzing. They didn't want to deal with Damon's temperamental and pessimistic attitude when they were desperate for a solution.

"Don't listen to him," Kai sang. He was lying down on the sofa, playing with her necklace. It was the only thing he had left from her.

The crazy psycho alien demon thing in the basement was not the girl he confessed his love to.

"Well, this is everything,"

Damon picked up a skull from the box of items Stefan dropped on the table. "Don't tell me," he began.

"It's real,"

He dropped it in disgust.

Kai rolled his eyes at the level of immaturity displayed by the older Salvatore. Noticing the girls engrossed in perfecting the spell and the brothers inspecting each item, he slipped away back down to the basement.

Ria was turned into this horrid monster for three days now and Kai died a little every time he saw her.

Her skin was now peeling as though scorched by fire, coloured blue and black. Her eyes were replaced by coal. Her mouth was set in a sinister smirk and laced with blood. Every moment of consciousness she was singing.

"The willow tree speaks to three; the deaf, the dead, and me."

This wasn't how it was supposed to be, Kai thought to himself. She was good and innocent, she was on the end of forgiving.

She sacrificed her humanity for his life, and he hated that he could do nothing for her.

Well, almost nothing.

"Wouldn't you come closer?"

He looked in and saw the unnatural smirk on her face. She looked up at him through her bangs.

"I know you're in there Ria, and I'm going to get you back," he promised with such desperation.

She rolled her eyes.

"Pity. Now that I think about it, I miss the heartless killer, Kai Parker. The one who didn't think twice before ripping someone's throat out. Would've made for a great partner."

"Kai," Elena calls out as she, Bonnie and Damon came down. "we need to get started."

"Oh Elena," Ria called feeling jittery at the thought of death. "Elena dearest,"

"This is gonna hurt Emmers," Damon yelled out as Bonnie began the spell. "This is gonna hurt a lot."

"I'm going to burn you, Damon."

Ria pulled at the chain gripping her wrist when a black fog crept into the room. "What are you doing?" she yelled feeling her eyes burn. "Elena, what's happening? It hurts, please, Elena help me!"

Elena shut her eyes.

"You whore," she grumbled but hissed again. "Kai? Kai where am I? Kai it hurts, please!"

"She's lying," Damon warned, pulling him back when he tried moving to open the door.

"You don't know that,"

"I do- just wait and listen,"

After a series of cries and pleads, she stopped, then, "I'm going to feast on your flesh. Do you hear me, Kai? I will bleed you dry, I will-"

Her voice was caught in her throat at the sight of a figure. It moved through the fog, its eyes burned red as it came near. The figure stopped in front of her and grinned, "Hey babe."

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