thirteen: It's Raining Men

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"We've got magic,"

Ria bursted into the bathroom without thinking what Kai was doing or not doing. The grimoire was in her hands and she was high on caffeine.

He peeped from behind the shower curtains and raised an eyebrow. "Pardon me?"

"Magic, Kai, we've got magic here. I was up all night thinking about what you told me-"

"Having second thoughts about the type of person I am?"

"No! Dammit, take me seriously for one minute,"

"Okay." he smirked "Lay it on me, babe,"

Ria began to pace back and forth, Grimoire clutched against her chest as she rambled. "Well, I was thinking about what you told me; when you tried to merge with your sister but nothing was happening, and how it was a big deal but no one seemed to care? Well, I think none of the witches cared because they knew nothing would happen because you can't merge with someone who has no powers."

"Are you telling me that you think my sister hid her magic and it's still here in 1994?"

"I'm telling you I think your sister hid her magic and it's still here in 1994."

He turned off the shower and reached for a towel and wrapped it around his waist. "Think about it. You started the merge, right? Well as a siphoner you could have forced the ritual to happen and no one would be able to stop you. But you're coven didn't care because there was no magic to begin with."

Ria held out another towel for him, which he used to dry his hair. She stared, waiting for him to agree and confirm her theory. Then it dawned on her.

She had just entered the bathroom with him in the shower. He was basically naked, and she couldn't hold back from the embarrassment.

Kai stared at her from underneath his bangs and wondered why she looked even more pretty than she did yesterday.

Maybe it's the lighting, he convinced himself. Unable to hold back, he dipped his head and planted a wet kiss on her cheek.

"Look at us," he grinned as he walked out to the bedroom, "already behaving like husband and wife."

Her eyes widened in surprise as her face burned red, "Why did you do that?" she wiped his saliva with her shirt.

Inside butterflies were dancing. She didn't know what forced her to barge into the bathroom where he was showering... Without clothes... But she really needed him to hear the great news.

She left the room, blushing from the simple action and hating herself for feeling this way.

She felt a quarter of this feeling with Benedict and it hurt her, she felt this exactly with Kol Mikaelson and it nearly killed her, why was her body betraying her now with a dangerous witch?

The dangerous witch felt it too.

He stared into the mirror, asking himself what these feelings were. Surely they weren't love, he wasn't allowed to feel love. But then what was it and why did the doe eyed girl make him feel this way?


The three beings came together to a clearing, wearing black capes and eyes glowing orange.

"We can kill the girl," Yin offered as he held up a fist, "as for the Siphoner, we can dismember him and plant each body part in a different corner of the earth."

Yang rolled her eyes, "We do not kill the innocent who have lost their ways and are misguided. Through logic, we can surely convince her to help us chain him."

Wuji remained silent as the other two debated brains over brawn, but then he cleared his throat.

"Human nature is more complex that one can possibly understand. The human is good, I know she is. If we can appeal to her better nature, she will help us lock that monstrosity away and he will stay locked away because it will be her choice to do so."

The three pulled their hoods over their faces and began to advance towards Kai and Ria.

Let the hunt begin.

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