twenty-nine: In Which He Becomes Killer Kai

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"There was this girl. She had these beautiful brown, doe eyes. She was very stubborn, a picky eater, and a freaking disaster." Kai sighed, "A beautiful disaster. I mean, if I set the entire world on fire I wouldn't have let a single flame touch her."

His latest victim was a therapist named Karen Owens. Seeing a sulking man at the bar, she went over to talk to him. He was charming and manipulative, and she was more than willing to leave the bar with him. 

As soon as they entered her apartment, however, Kai had tied her to the sofa and was ravaging her drawers for knives. 

"I wanted to be a better person because of her but last minute," his eyes settled on the butcher's knife hiding at the end of the drawer. He clicked his mouth and directed his attention to the girl. 

"Last minute, do you know what she did Karen? She decided she didn't love anymore. She decided that we're not right for each other, that I was the reason she turned into everything she despised."

Karen screamed against the tape covering her mouth, her eyes blurred with tears. She was thrashing her body but the rope held tight. He knelt down in front of her and ran a finger down her face. 

"I've tried to move on Karen. I really have tried, but it's impossible. I figured, hey, there are eight billion people on earth. There's got to be someone else, anyone else. But I always come back to her."

He stared at the knife in his hand, then at her. She knew he was going to kill her, he knew he was going to kill her, it was what he had done to the other seven girls. He stared into her blue eyes, clenching his jaw.  

"I told her she could have all the time that she needed, I would have waited for her." 

Then, he lifted the knife and plunged it into her chest.

"I told her-"


"To rip my heart out-"


"To kill me-"


"Because if she didn't"


"I wouldn't"







Kai fell back, dropping the knife. He held her bloody, pumping hear. He was exhausted and not from the murder. 

Two months had gone by since the day Ria had rejected him but the pain was still raw. 

"I don't want to feel," he muttered, closing his eyes and lying down. "I don't want to feel." 

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