thirty-two: In Which There Are More Witches

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Macy locked the door behind them. The room was as she had left it: curtains drawn, lights off, and suitcases still packed by the door.

"Everyone," she called, "this is Kai."

Three pairs of eyes glared at him and he smirked. These kids had fight in them, and if what Macy said was true, they were more powerful than the witches that trained them.

"This is Denny."

A red-haired boy timidly waved, his dull blue eyes scanned him up and down then returned to the heavy brown book in his hands.

"Pleasure," he muttered under his breath.

"That one there is David,"

The dark-eyed brunette grinned, nodding his head. He threw a tennis ball at the wall, it bounced back and he continued throwing it.

"I know you."

"And this one is Jean."

Jean's facial expression didn't change, her eyes remain fixed on him as though trying to read him. She sat on the corner of the bed, her fingers braiding her long brown hair.

"Why is he here?"

"I have to make sure there are no traces of my magic in him."

"Traces of magic? Jeez Mace, what the hell did you do to the poor guy?"

"David, language."

Denny stood up and placed the book on the table. "Macy didn't do anything, he's a siphoner."

The tennis ball rolled under the bed, "Oh hell no."

"David, language," Macy warned again, stepping in front of Kai.

"I can feel it, Macy, like a magnet. He's trying to feed off our magic."

"Woah, woah, woah," Kai raised his hands in defence. "I'm a siphoner, yes, but I need to be physically touching you to take your magic."

"Like hell I care," David growled out. He was a boy of fourteen but he was ruthlessly trained in magic and hunting since he could remember.

He may not be as smart as Denny in memorizing spells, and he may not be as talented as Jean in the actual practice of magic, but he was the most skilled in fighting and that was something no one could take away from him.

"David stop!"

He lunged for Kai but-

"What the hell Jean!"

David was frozen in the air, unable to move. He glared at the girl who shrugged, holding up her palm.

"I'm going to let you down David, and you're going to stand down."

He struggled in mid-air and then dropped his head in defeat.

"I have a spell for invisible shackles if-"

"Put me in cuffs Denny boy, I fuc-"

"Language David!"

He turned around and flailed his arms in the air dramatically. "Macy this is a really bad freaking idea. Bringing him here is a really bad freaking idea. To make matters worse he's a freaking siphoner."

"Macy will explain herself, David, you don't need to put words in her mouth."

He tried to stand up but was pulled back onto the bed by an invisible force. "For fuck's sake, Denny, seriously?"

Denny shrugged, a hint of smugness on his face when his spell held David frozen on the bed.

"You tried stealing her magic. If even a trace of it is left in you you'll die in the next hour. Denny, David?"

Denny released his magical hold on his brother and they all stood around Kai.

"What's happening?"

Macy placed a hand on Kai's back, "Trust them."

One by one their eyes became vibrant; Denny's eyes flashed electric blue, David's dark eyes glowed grey and Jean's hazel eyes sparkled with flecks of green and blue. The air around them became static and damp, and Kai watched in amazement as an orange energy emitted out of him and back into Macy.


"The Elysium Coven is centuries old, but it's remained underground since the beginning. Quiet. Never drawing attention to itself, keeping only with its members and the few they select to join their ranks.

"In 1973 the oldest member traded her soul for a revelation: bringing the ideology of the Elysium onto earth. The only thing it would cost is the soul of three half-witches who have lived not a day past a decade and a half.

"Half-witches are nothing born naturally, they are made. That year three infants were kidnapped and injected with magic. From then on they were exposed to harsh temperatures, near death experiences, so their magic would take a mind of its own and become so strong that it would always protect the host. The night of their fifteenth birthday, the Coven drew power from the moon and drained them from this magic. They died that night."

Macy was teary-eyed, sniffling back tears as she pulled the covers over David and Denny.

Kai leaned against the wall, staring at the sleeping kids with caution. He could not believe these kids, these made witches had more power than any other witch.

"The next day another three babies were kidnapped and just as before, in 1988, they died. I joined the Coven that year as they kidnapped their third trio of babies. I had no idea what was happening, but they told me of the prophecy. That by draining the magic from three made witches, a counter-effect would take place. Like a lightbulb with too much power running through it. The magic should want to protect its host against the witches draining it, so it would explode as a force field destroying everything and everyone evil. This is the way the Elysium would be built on earth.

"In 2003, they killed fifteen-year-old Tom, Jen, and Liz. The next day Denny, David, and Jean were kidnapped. I knew they wouldn't stop, that's what happens when people think they're right, they have a mindset that if you're not with them then you're against them.

"I broke my oath. I became a fugitive on the run with them and have been on the run with them for years now."

"And you've been covering your tracks," Kai noted. Macy pulled her hair back into a braid and nodded at Kai.

"The Elysium Coven poisoned my magic; every time I use it, it becomes poison within me, and it is only through this that they can find us. I haven't used my magic in years but when you siphoned it today," she didn't finish her sentence.

"These kids really mean a lot to you, don't they?"

When Macy stared at him from across the room, his heart nearly stopped.

"They mean the world to me."

"Macy, wait." He crossed the room to stand in front of her. He hesitated, then held her face and stares into her round doe eyes.


He didn't respond to her quizzical look. He didn't blink, instead, he stared at her blue iris' and his heart beat faster against his chest.

"I-I want to help," he stuttered, dropping his hands back to his side. "To protect them. I want to help protect them."

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