chapter fifty-three: In Which the Hunter Becomes the Hunted

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His intentions were never clear.

Ria wanted to respect him; a man as old and as powerful as he should be full of wisdom accumulated through the centuries. And yet as she stared into the blue in his eyes and felt him walk around her she came upon the realization that she probably knew more than him.

"How did you know?" Klaus asked in a tone of wonder. She knew his intentions were not as simple as this. He was collecting information.

"When we got back from the prison world," Ria answered as her throat ran dry. Niklaus would never hurt her intentionally, but she knew far too well what he would do to creatures of certain abilities. "Kai was hurt really bad and something just overcame me. I knew that I could save him."

"And what are your powers?"

"I can read emotions. I can heal people. I can use the light and shadows to do whatever I want them to, but I haven't tried that for some time now."

As Klaus opened his mouth to ask another question, Elijah strolled into the room. 

"Now Niklaus," he scolded, "Ria is my guest and I will not allow you to question her about the certain abilities she has come to possess." He held his arm out to her and guided her away. "Leave her be."

Klaus rolled his eyes and his only response was a lingering smirk that played on his lips. He had no use for her right now, but an Addonexus could prove helpful in time.

Elijah walked Ria outside into the backyard garden. It was a warm, sunny day and the birds raced around the same way his mind raced with which words to choose and say. His heart felt heavy in his chest- it was wonder really; one never understands the power of truth until they see the harm done by lies. 

Elijah played a part in the confusion that no doubt hurt Ria and Kol for so long, and now it was his responsibility to mend it as well as he could.

"You should know I never intended to hurt anyone, Ria."

A blue coloured aura with tints of green and yellow alert her of his conflicting emotions. Although the oldest Mikaleson brother was someone she never could fully trust, Elijah was a gentleman who stayed true to each word he said. Ria respected him and for this reason, she felt the need to be honest with him.

"I don't want to blame anyone for this situation," she confessed. "Elijah I'm exhausted. I'm tired of fighting people and pushing myself- I just want a normal life."

"May I ask what is stopping you?"

"I'm trying to tie up the loose ends. The three young witches had a guardian. Her name was Macy and she left her coven to care for them. She was a kind hearted person, I know because of the way those kids talk about her. And I killed her. That's why I need to make sure they have a home where they can be protected. And Kai was thrown into another prison world when my cousin and that Bennett witch decided that I shouldn't see him anymore. I had to go and free him."

"So you planned to bring the witches here, bid Mr. Parker adieu and be on your way?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

He held her under his intense gaze and asked, "What about yourself, Ria? Don't you deserve love?"

She didn't give his question much thought. "No, I don't think I deserve love."

"Now that is where you're wrong. Love, I have seen the look in my brother's eyes when he saw you for the first time at that ball in Mystic Falls. I also saw the look on Kai Parker's face last night. Both are looks of love."

"Yeah, Cupid has a funny way of doing things."

"Ria," he turned to her, "I believe each person falls in love twice in their lifetime. The first time they fall in love it is with one who is similar to us; you might be young and rebellious, with similar goals and ideas, and this love flickers a match in your hear that warms you from the inside of your heart. The second time you fall in love it is unintentional and sudden. This is with someone you have to be patient with, in a situation where you both must grow. This love ignites a flame in place of that flicker and the fire burns in your chest with such ferocity that it consumes you."

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