chapter forty-nine: In Which There Are Originals

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"I think we need to set some ground rules."

"Oh please," he smirked. "I can control myself."

"That's quite debatable. So we are going to have rules for you. First, please don't siphon magic off of them," she begs. "I know it's your power move but you can't do that. Second, be respectful. We're going into their territory and asking for their help. Third, I love you but you need a haircut."

Kai scoffed playfully, "chicks dig guys with long hair. It adds to the whole bad-boy image."

"Uh-huh," she crossed her arms over her chest. "Too bad this isn't a marriage proposal. We need them to like us so they'll at least consider taking in the kids."

"You really are underestimating yourself. You seem diplomatic enough I doubt they won't listen to what you have to say."

New Orleans was different from Mystic Falls. For one thing, Ria knew the shadows drifting across the streets were ghosts that she could not understand. Her former home was different because the land was infused with magic, the shadows were reflections of light mixed which she had control over. Beyond that, she could feel mystery and excitement, life.

"I'm going to ask you a question," Kai stated. "And I need you to be honest with me. What was going on with you and the James Dean look alike?"

Ria raised a brow in amusement, "You know James Dean?"

"Duh, teenage heartthrob, rebel without a cause, pretty boy daydreaming eyes. Now answer the question."

"Well, Stefan was there for me when I thought you left. He helped me move on."

"Did you," he faltered. "Did you like him?"

This question she really didn't want to answer. If she lied he'd be hurt, if she told the truth he'd be hurt.

"The last time we saw each other you said you hated me. You said that I was a completely different person who only wanted to hurt you. You said that nothing is the same as before... That you couldn't love me anymore. And then there was that whole illusion with Damon pretending to be you. It just made me feel like complete shit like I was worth nothing to you.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I did like Stefan, a lot. And I'm not sure but I think I still do. He helped me focus again and move past all the drama of the past few years. He was the breath of fresh air I needed at a time when I felt hopeless when I thought I completely ruined your life."

What she said made him want to rip into his chest.

"We can't go back to the way things were Ria I know that. But I think with some time, things can get better between us."

"Where would be a good place to start?" She asked in a whisper.


Her lips barely twitched.

First Stefan and now Kai? What game were the Fates playing with her?! The friendzone was not somewhere Ria wanted to be left in.

She pushed open the car door and walked out, quite angry for being rejected a second time today-

Wait, Ria thought, wait...

This was good. Actually, this was perfect. If both men turned her away it meant she was a free woman. No longer would she be imprisoned by guilt for leading one of them on or hurting the other's heart. She wouldn't have to choose.

She took her bag from Kai and offered him a grateful smile. "Thanks. So, the rules are set. Ready to meet the Regent of the Nine Covens?"

"The real question is, are they ready to meet Kai Parker?"

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