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1:17 a.m.
2:46 a.m.
3:30 a.m.
Yoongi sighed after checking his phone for the third time that night. The hours ticked away so slowly, he felt as though he was losing his mind. Why couldn't he sleep? As always, the answer was work. Being a somewhat of a perfectionist, he always felt guilty leaving the studio before he had gotten everything just right. Why he even come home in the first place? He knew this would happen but...
It was him who had texted Yoongi, practically begging for him to come home, reminding him to eat something, telling him how he needed his sleep. Well, so much for that, Yoongi thought bitterly. Suddenly, he got an idea. If it was that kid's fault, then that kid would fix it. He swiftly pulled his phone from underneath his pillow, and sent Jimin a text.
Are you awake? - Yoongi
I am now. Is something wrong? - JM
Come to my room. Now. - Yoongi
He didn't even have to wait a whole minute before he heard his door open and close, footsteps approaching his bed, and blankets rustle as the younger boy pulled himself onto the bed.
"What is it, hyung?" Jimin asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I can't sleep," Yoongi replied without turning to face him. "Sing for me."
Jimin tried to suppress a giggle. "You want me to sing you a lullaby, hyung?"
Yoongi tensed a little. He was glad that Jimin couldn't see the blush that sprang to his cheeks. "Well, are you gonna do it or not?" he demanded.
Jimin smiled to himself before wrapping an arm around the older boy's waist and pulling him close.
"Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes,
hold back the river, so I
can stop for a minute and see where you hide.
Hold back the river, hold back,"
Jimin continued to sing until he felt the other boy's breathing become steady. Supposing him to be asleep, he made a moved to leave. At that moment, Yoongi suddenly rolled to face him and tugged him to his chest. Jimin's eyes widened, startled at the embrace.
"Thanks, Chim-Chim." Yoongi said sleepily. Jimin blushed before once again putting his arm around the older boy.
"Anytime, hyung."

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