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{Jin x Reader}
{Fluff, Non Idol AU}
{Words: 1974}

"Y/N, I need you to take over the cash register," Your boss informed, as you tied an apron around your waist. "I'm heading out."
You had just arrived at work and they already had a position for you to fill. That wasn't a problem – it was just unexpected, since you were always either in charge of making the coffee or clearing tables.
"Alright, I'm coming," You pushed your hair back and went to the cash register.
It was a fairly empty hour, considering everyone was either at work or school. The cafe was located in an office district, so most of the crowd only came in during the mornings, or early evening.
You had to admit – it got pretty boring just standing and waiting for people to come in, but at the same time, you were doing nothing and getting paid for it, so it seemed like a win. You were a fairly active person, you enjoyed actually getting work done, so you settled for cleaning up the back counter until you saw someone enter the cafe.
"Wel-" Your bright smile immediately fell when you saw a tall man panting as he leaned against the wooden counter. "-come..?"
When he lifted up his head, you were met with dazzling features – cute, perfect; it was just a mix of everything good in this world. He was mesmerizing, and it made a blush wash over your cheeks.
"Are you okay?" You asked, your eyes not ripping away from his.
"Yeah, I just," He gulped, and ran his hand through his hair. "Ran all the way here."
You cleared your throat, and shook your head. He was one of those customers. You know, the really attractive ones who come and leave, never to be seen again? He was definitely one of them. The only unique thing about him was that he didn't come in with that dazzling aura most 'handsome' guys had. He looked like he was in a hurry.
"What would you like?"
"Two lattes, an americano and three mochas."
That was a lot of drinks, but you didn't judge. Most people who came with orders like that were people on coffee runs – he was probably one of them. Though unlike the other coffee runners, he was actually running.
"That would be-" He had already handed you his card, as he took a final deep breath. "Thank you. Your order will be ready in a few minutes."
For the first time, you were actually curious about a customer. It definitely wasn't because he was handsome – although that played a significant part in your curiosity. Why was he in such a hurry? Was he late for something? What was his name? You actually wanted to get to know him.
He stood on the other end of the counter and waited for the order, his eyes trailing down to his watch and flickering nervously around the room. Finally, you couldn't take it anymore.
"You look nervous."
"Do I?" He snapped his head up to meet yours, as you poured the americano into the cup. "I'm not."
"You ran into this place and you're trying to tell me you're not nervous?"
You placed the americano in a cardboard holder, along with the lattes, as you finally met his gaze. You almost had an amused shine to your eye, as a smile smile trailed his plush lips.
"I made a stupid bet with my friends and now I owe them all coffee," He finally admitted.
"Ah," You hummed, pouring the foam onto the first mocha.
You really couldn't look at his face for too long without turning red. He looked like such a sweet guy – what kind of friends would treat him that way? You had many male classmates, though, and they often made bets like this.
"They are like little brothers to me, but very annoying little brothers."
"I'm sure," You chuckled shyly, placing the last of the drinks in the holder. "Here's your order, and please take your time when returning. You probably don't want to trip and fall with the coffee."
"I understand," He laughed, a windshield wiper laugh. "Thank you so much. Have a nice day."
Your eyes trailed his figure as he made his way out of the café, briskly, but not running as per your instruction.
There he went, disappearing down the street. You would probably never see him again, and that was something you were so used to during your job.

The next day was probably one of the busiest days, you and your co-worker not even getting time to rest as you filled in the orders. The morning was always rush hour, but this one seemed to last for at least one and a half hours.
When the last customer was handed his coffee, you stayed at the cash register, but took a few breaths to calm your racing heart down. You were actually relieved to see that no one was standing in the cue. You were dead tired already, and you had an hour and a half more until your shift ended.
"Excuse me?"
A voice made you suck in your breath, as your eyes were torn away from the counter to the source of the voice. Your pupils had dilated, and your lips parted slightly. It was as if you had seen an angel.
It was the man from the day before.
"Are you okay?" He reminded you of the question you had asked him. "It seems like we have exchanged roles."
"I am," Your legs felt like jelly, and your voice became quiet. "Are you here to get coffee for your friends again?"
"Nope," He shook his head. "I'm here to get something for myself."
You smiled and nodded, happy that he was much calmer than the day before. What you were most happy about, though, was that you got to see him again. His presence in itself was enough to make you feel energized.
You totally had a crush on him.
That was something you noticed after the third day – he just kept coming back, and the more you got to talk to him, the more you got to know about him. His name was Kim Seokjin, he was a drama major in his senior year of university, he had 6 friends who were like kids to him – that last fact was pretty amusing to you when he first said it.

This had continued for almost a week, then he had stopped coming. That week of absolute laughter and joy to actually come to work had disappeared as soon as he disappeared from your life.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Your co-worker asked, watching you longingly stare at the entrance as you leaned against the counter.
You shouldn't have fallen for him. He was a customer – they usually left after they found a better place to hang out.
You let out a small sigh, pushing yourself off the counter to man the register again. It was time to get over him. You should just fall for someone in your own university. The new term was starting in a few days, after all. There were many handsome, nice guys there.
"-I swear to god, that girl in the party last night was insane."
A group of bustling guys – five of them walked over to the register, your co-worker immediately coming over to take the order. You folded up your sleeves and turned around to start making the coffee as soon as the orders started coming.
"Two lattes, two americanos and three mochas."
Your eyes widened, as you snapped your eyes towards the customers, searching desperately for Seokjin. He had to be there somewhere, it was the exact same thing he order when you both first met.
Sadly, you were only met with a few stares of the boys ordering drinks.
"Y/N!" The other worker snapped her fingers before your face to snap you our of your trance. "Get your head out of the clouds."
"Oh.." A box-smiled male from the group started. "So thats-"
He couldn't completely the sentence, since they had dragged him over to a round table in between two sofas. You quickly got the orders ready, placed them on a tray, and headed over to the table, which had two extra males. You hadn't exactly noticed their faces, since you were busy making sure you didn't spill the coffee.
"Your order," You started, holding the now empty tray against your chest, before bowing. "I hope you enjoy."
When you stood up straight again, your gaze met those of a broad-shouldered male, who had stopped laughing at the sight of you. Instead, he just gave you a loving smile, as his eyes narrowed.
"Hello Y/N," He almost hummed, licking his lips of the coffee.
"Welcome back," You felt your heart flutter in excitement, and you had half a mind to just hug him.
It was as if you had finally met a long-lost friend. In a way, it kind of was, but at the same time, it was more than just that. Even though you wanted more, you would be happy just staying friends. As long as you got to see him and spend time with him, you were happy.
"Fuck, this is so cringey," A male with a naturally drunken voice sucked in some air. "Why are you guys so awkward?"
You let out a laugh along with the others, before ripping your eyes away from them and going back to work. Even though your friend was back, you wouldn't afford to neglect your duties. It was getting over in just fifteen minutes.
Whilst you worked, you just felt your eyes going back to that table, somehow hoping that if you worked faster, time would speed along with you, but it didn't work like that. When you looked away, you sometimes felt eyes boring into you, but when you glanced back, that feeling disappeared.
You couldn't just shamelessly look at the person you liked, you had to work.
A familiar voice interrupted you from your thoughts, and you headed to the end of the counter, where you spotted a brunet male.
"How do you do that?"
"Do what?" Your furrowed your eyebrows at tiled your head in confusion. He looked like he was going to burst into laughter, as his cheeks turned a bright red.
"Look so good."
You almost choked on your own spit. You couldn't tell if he was trying to crack a joke to make you laugh, or if he was serious. You wouldn't say the later, because he looked like he wanted to break into giggles.
"Do you know what my shirt is made of?"
"What?" You scoffed, waiting for his next joke.
"Boyfriend material."
That was it, you couldn't hold it back anymore. Your melodious laughter escaped your lips, which eventually mixed with a windshield wiper laugh. You would have never imagined that cheesy pick-up lines would make you fall for someone, but it did.
"Do you.. Maybe want to go out sometime?" He asked, after you had both calmed down.
"I'd love to."
You looked and sounded calm, but on the inside, you were screaming like a little kid.
That immediate decision was something you never regretted, and you always held that day a panicking guy came running into your workplace as a fond memory.
Even months later, you come back to this same café. Nothing had changed, though, expect for the fact that you had quit your job there, and the fact that you were huddled in someone's strong arms – a customer turned lover. You would have never imagined that a few cups of coffee was what brought you to your first and last love.

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