Mad Hatter

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{740 word count}
{genre: angst}

You dragged yourself toward the looming building of your school on a Monday morning in May. The sun shone brightly on the sidewalk in front of you, the weather reflecting the exact opposite of your mood. Sighing, you attempted to pick up your pace before you were late for first hour, but it was hard when you hadn't had your daily dose of caffeine. Just as you were lamenting this, a figure almost materialized next to you.
"Hey Y/N! How's your morning?" It was, as per usual, Kim Taehyung, the oddly sunshiny student in your grade.
People always avoided him and whispered about him in the halls, commenting on how he was somewhat strange. No one could place their finger on it, but everyone agreed that something was just a little... off. As for you, he had seemed nice enough so you were nice to him. Plain and simple. As a consequence, however, he had decided that you were his best friend, and never left your side.
"Fine," you replied, sliding a little away from him. One of his bad habits was standing a little too close, and then not getting the hints that you would like some space. "And you?"
"Oh, I feel perfect." he said, flashing one of his square smiles and closing the distance between you two again. "Just perfect."
"He's so weird though!" your friend cried as you two piled books into your lockers. It was a rare moment for you to be alone without Taehyung breathing down your neck. He had volunteered to get you some coffee before class began and you agreed, thankful for a breather.
"I mean, he's dangerously obsessed with you!" she exclaimed. You rolled your eyes.
"No he's not. Maybe he has a few personal space issues, but overall, he's not a bad kid." This had become a frequent argument between you.
"But Y/N-"
"He's probably just excited to actually have a friend." you interrupted. "And you and everyone else in this school could be nicer to him." She scoffed.
"Not likely."
"I'm back!" came Taehyung's sing-song voice from behind your friend. He waved the cups of coffee at you. You thanked him and waved, pulling your friend to class as the bell rang.
His smile never faltered even while his thoughts went back to the conversation he wasn't supposed to have overheard.
Y/N's so sweet for defending me. But we'll just have to do something about their little friend.
And with that he skipped down the hall to homeroom.
You waited outside the movie theater later that night, pulling your jacket around you to protect you from the bitter cold. It'd been over half an hour and your friend was still a no-show. You checked your phone again but the most recent text was from 20 minutes ago:
Y/F/N: I'm on my way! :)
She should've been here by now, you thought, chewing on your lip.
And then your phone vibrated.
Y/F/N: Hey, I'm here. Meet me around back.
Thank God, you exhaled as you jogged around the building to meet her. A few flickering street lamps were the only light by which to see the almost empty parking lot. Seeing no trace of her, you sent her a quick message.
Y/N: Where are you?
Y/F/N: I'm standing by the blue minivan. I can see you!
A quick scan of the lot revealed the van, your friend's shadow visible beside it. You jogged quickly over to it.
"Man, I thought you had died or someth-" the words caught in you throat as you realized the figure you had expect was not the figure you saw.
Inches from you stood Taehyung, a smile on his face, blood on his sweater, and your friend's phone in his hand.
"Hey Y/N! Fancy meeting you here."
The attempt you made at running was unsuccessful. You found yourself pinned to the vehicle and in an instant your assailant whipped out a damp handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it to your face. His giggles filled your ears as you pounded his chest and kicked at his legs in a desperate attempt to escape, but you felt numbness taking over your mind and body.
As you faded away from consciousness, you could see him smiling sweetly at you.
"Aw, Y/N, you're so cute when you struggle."

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