The Little Mermaid

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{Jimin x mermaid! reader}
{fluff, mermaid! au}
{words: 691}

You watched him afar from the surface, or what your kind calls it. You watched the creature with two legs walk around, you wondered what it is doing. You could tell for sure, he was a male but with legs. You don't know why you were so drawn to him, and you wouldn't let yourself stare for too long.
Yet, everyday, you went back to see him. There's something that makes you want to come back again, and again. They have warned you about it, the things that should make you become hesitant and scared to explore about the life there, the dangers of how the creature of land wouldn't double take to kill your kind.
But it did the opposite for you, you were far more curious than afraid. You're very eager to know what they are, what they do and what — you suddenly became stunned. He saw you, but you didn't stare back too long and quickly disappeared back down into the waters.

A loud groan of metal bending and shouts of panic above woke him. And his feet met with water, up to his knees. It is rapidly ascending and he barges out of his room and the hallways are steadily flooding as the icy ocean water rushes through every open door with a roaring wave. He begins to run and looking for help but there's no one there – the rooms are empty and there's nothing but just water, flooding every room.
The water climbs up to his thighs, he was beginning to panic, he must escape now. But as he tries to look for the exit, the water rises up to his chest. Panic crashes through his veins, the flood had blocked all the places he could at least try to escape. He helplessly tilt his head up to the tops of the ceiling, his body floating as his tired arms and legs work to keep him alive. His lips escaped one last bubble, before his body gave out.

There was fire, broken wood and scraps of metal piece that could cut your skin anytime. But you managed to avoid and dodge, especially from your tail. You saw how moments ago that there was a celebration, and quickly turns into a chaos of loud yelling and men running.
'Abandon ship! Abandon ship!'
You saw how they jumped from the edge, the waves washing them away. You swam towards the ship, avoiding the helpless people and some are being helped getting into the boat. You didn't stop searching for him. And there you find him, after finding your way inside the once sturdy ship. He's floating, body limp and hair flowed along the water. His lips turning purple and skin tinted blue.
'Am I too late?'
Wrapping your arms around his waist, and with a flick of your tail, you take him away.

He woke up with a startled gasp. It was only a dream. No, it was a nightmare. A living nightmare he had experienced, and quickly became confused. He remembers that a sensation of water travelling through his body as it drowns him. He was sure that he drowned. But he doesn't remember ending up on the sand, no sign of injuries, just his breathing and the waves overlapping the shore.
He struggles to keep himself awake, but unconsciousness keep coming back like a tide on a shore. Rushing in, rushing out. The sand felt good on his back and the sun felt warm on his face. The water was pushing gently, foam lapping against him. He does remember something else, though. A face. A kind and worried one. The sun was so bright behind it that their features was hidden by shadows but he sees it nonetheless. And it looks like something out of this world.
Yet his thinking is sluggish, his memories are a blur so he tries, tries to hold on those wisps of his savior. But doing so is like keeping the wave upon the sand. The tide is coming in, but he passes out as he hears someone call out to him.

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