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{Jimin x reader}
{words: 1552}
The day that I first met Park Jimin, I knew that my life was about to change forever. I was attending Busan School of Art's dance ceremony to close out the semester, rooting for my little sister as she did what she loved. Jimin's act followed hers, and I fell in love with him at first sight, completely entranced with how he moved across the stage. Despite the fact that he was surrounded by other dancers, I couldn't stop watching him.
My sister introduced me after all the performances were finished. I remember how my hands were sweating as we walked up to him. The second our eyes locked, my heart stopped. He showered me with compliments, told me I was pretty, how he could get lost in my eyes, and my entire life suddenly became all about Park Jimin.
We started texting each other when he became my sisters dance tutor. It was so perfect, I was on cloud nine. He made me feel like the most important person in the world, he made all of my insecurities disappear, I thought I was the luckiest person alive. So when he asked me out, I said yes.
Shortly after we started dating, I started to see the real Jimin. He was insecure, egoless, always putting himself down. There were days where he didn't eat, and it scared me. Sometimes I'd catch him looking in the mirror and pinching his stomach, insisting that he was fat. I did my best to help him through it, telling him how handsome he was, how he was perfect, how he never had to change. Slowly, very slowly, I thought I was getting through to him. He started eating more, working out less, and we were happy.
When he told me that he wanted to audition for BigHit, that he wanted to be an idol, I supported him unconditionally. I videotaped his routine, stayed up with him while he perfected it, and kissing his bruises when he got hurt. It was great, seeing him fight for something, there was a light in his eyes that wasn't there before, and I fell more in love because of it.
"Babe, I got in!"
The day that letter came in he read it to me a hundred times, stuck in a state of shock and disbelief. The words BIGHIT stamped across the top. Those few days following were the happiest that I'd ever seen him, he would always gush about the other members of Bangtan, how they were already like brothers to him. He even told them about me, and raved about how jealous they were. When he introduced them all to me, I knew he was in good hands. I was so proud.
After that, everything changed. Little by little, I saw something grow inside Jimin and I wasn't sure what to think about it. When he debuted, there was this confidence blossoming that was – different. At least different from before. He was always confident while dancing, that's what I loved most about him, but this was strange. I brushed it off, he was an idol, I had to stop overthinking things.
There were times where Jimin and I were apart from weeks, I was growing used to that. He'd call me every night, though, so I wasn't lonely. We'd text whenever he could, he and the others would video chat whenever they got to a different venue, showing me the world through their eyes. It was fun, so I thought I'd surprise him. I knew where they were performing, and according to Bang PD I always had a free ticket. So I hopped on a plane, I was dying to see them live anyway.
Seeing Jimin in such a different environment, I was a bit nervous, but he assured me that we'd go see the sights, just the two of us. I watched them from the crowd, cheered along with the other fans, and sang along to every song. Rushing backstage when it was over, I stopped in my tracks. A couple of fans had gotten to him first, and as he signed their albums he was telling them how pretty they were, how he could get lost in their eyes. My heart broke.
He spent the next few days reassuring me that he didn't mean what he said to them. That he was just playing his role, being an idol, and I believed him. We made up, and we continued on. But it never was the same.
The next time I felt something was off was when I caught Jimin in a lie. There was one night when we were sitting on the couch and he'd be on his giggling at text messages. When I asked who he was talking to, he said Taehyung, so I wrote it off. Then I jokingly texted Tae to stop distracting my boyfriend with his funny messages, and I got a reply.
What messages?
It took me a couple of days to work up the courage to confront him, and when I did, he immediately apologized. He told me how he'd been reading comments from fans and didn't want me to get jealous so he lied to protect my feelings. He told me that he knew it was wrong and that he'd never do it again. I believed him. Or – at least I wanted to.
The next few months were mostly uneventful, but there was always this thought in the back of my head, one that I desperately tried to ignore. I knew that I couldn't trust Jimin anymore, I knew that he was lying to me, but I loved him so much that I didn't want to believe it. I wanted things to go back to how they used to be. So, I put on a smile, I played the perfect significant other, and I pretended that I wasn't hurting.
Suddenly, I was blissfully happy. Jimin took me on a vacation for a whole week, no phones, no Bangtan, no BigHit, it was perfect, for our three year anniversary. We had to do it a couple of weeks before the actual anniversary because of the intense practice schedule for their next comeback so I didn't mind. Of course on the actual day, I decided to stop by BigHit to surprise him. I remember walking into the lobby, heading for the elevator, spotting Jimin with some woman, probably from the company, and my stomach squeezing into a knot. Not because I was happy to see him, but because I knew. I knew it was happening again. And as he leaned down to kiss her, I ran from the building.
I didn't talk to Jimin for a couple of days after that. I mean, who would. He called me day and night, desperate to come up with some sort of excuse for what he did. I simply sat in the dark, huddled up under a blanket, watching my phone go off for hours. He cheated on me. I didn't want to hear his voice. After a week or so, he decided to show up in person.
He got down on his knees, he begged me to forgive him. How he was a fool, how he never should've done it. He told me how ever since he became an idol things were different. He reminded me about his insecurities before debut, how my validation helped him get through it, it made him grateful. The fans were doing the same thing and he was getting gratitude confused with infatuation. He said that he loved me, he said it over and over and over again.
And I loved him too, so I forgave him.
Following that night, I didn't see Jimin much anymore. Bangtan had become an international sensation, they were constantly out of the country, constantly on tour, and I was alone. He'd still text me like he did at the beginning, we'd still video chat with the rest of the boys. We were doing all of the same things as before, but they didn't feel the same. I still felt this uncertainty, all of the time. And I knew it was unhealthy, I just couldn't convince myself to leave.
It was only after we'd been together for four years, after we'd shared so much together, that I finally saw and accepted the truth. Jeongguk had texted me, asking me to come by with ramen since Seokjin's ramen was awful. And I did, I went to the store, took a cab to BigHit, and was met at the door by the boys, apologizing for making me come all that way. They were all there, all of them except for Jimin. And there was a look on their faces that I knew all too well.
Without hesitating, I went to Jimin's room. I didn't even knock, I threw open the door. And I wasn't even surprised to find him in bed with someone else. I don't even know who they were, that wasn't the important part. As he sputtered off excuses and apologies, struggling to stand from the sheets and grabbing at whatever clothes he could get his hands on, I left the room.
I left that room, I left BigHit, I left Jimin, and I haven't looked back.

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