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{Jimin x Reader}
{Fluff & Angst}
{Words: 2549}
"Oppa, I'm missing you so much!"
"I'm missing you too, my love. Don't worry, I'll be back in a few days, okay?"
One of the worst parts about tour was leaving lovers behind. For Jimin, it wasn't only his lover, it was his home. He enjoyed tour, performing for all of the ARMYs around the world, going on stage; but he wasn't a huge fan of being in a foreign country. He didn't know English that well, and he wasn't fond of being in a place where he couldn't understand anything.
"I know," The soft voice of his significant other brought pink to his cheeks. "Call me when your rehearsal is over."
"I will, I love you," He glanced at the leader of his band, who was calling him over.
"I love you too."
With that, he had ended the call with a sigh, and headed over to his band. It hadn't even been a few minutes since he cut the call, and he was already missing her – a thought he had experienced after each long-distance conversation with his lover. The short male shook his head and got his head back in the game, his eyes going up to meet a group of people dressed in black.
"This is your dance crew for this city," The manager announced to the band. "Not all of them know Korean, so if you have an queries, just talk to Jihoon. He is the leader."
"We understand."
Once that brief introduction was done, they were all left to their own devices for a few minutes, whilst the leader of the dance team talked to the leader of the band. Jimin had let himself scan over the people he would be working with; not that he would talk to them, he was just curious and bored. Most of them had masks on – no one had really caught his eyes, except for one person.
A petite, masked person standing behind a tall male. The first thing which captured his attention were the bright eyes, down to the shiny hair, and radiant skin. For a brief moment, there was a connection between the two, which was soon to be broken by a voice.
"Y/N, come put on this jacket! It's part of the costume." More English words he didn't understand.
"Yeah, I'm coming!"
Even though he couldn't understand much, your voice seemed to have invoked something in him – something which seemed like comfort and warmth. When you had torn off your mask, he got a full view of your sharp features. They weren't Korean at all, yet they were like a work of art to him.
You were pretty – for a foreigner.
The singer mouthed your name, as if trying to get it right. It was unique to him. He had seen so many foreign girls before, yet for some reason, you captured him in some way and you hadn't even said a word to him. Your eyes had just met for a mere second, yet he felt like something was already pulling him in.
"Jimin-hyung," He felt a slap on his back. "Did you call Suyeon-noona yet or do we have to wait for you to do that before going for rehearsal?"
"Yeah, I called her," His heart fluttered at the mention of his lover, a blush once again creeping up his ears. "You don't have to wait for me to do that.."
"I was teasing."
Jimin was in such a daze, he hadn't even realized that. An embarrassed laugh escaped his throat as he was brought towards the stage by Jungkook, who was simply chuckling along with him. Before the dance crew was out of sight, he glanced back only to meet your clear eyes once more. This time you had given him a welcoming smile. It only made him twitch his head away quickly, a small frown on his face in shyness.

Music blasted through the empty stadium, the dance for the same song being rehearsed for the third time this day. Every practice made the dance better and better, more prim and precise like everyone wanted it. Everything was practically wired into their brains at this point.
"Great job everyone! We can take a break for an hour now," The dance instructor announced first in English, before repeating it in Korean for the boys.
Everyone had bowed, as per normal manners, then headed backstage, the dancers separating from the boys once they had reached the bright hallway. The dancers had further dispersed after that, separating into their smaller groups.
Jimin immediately brought out his phone to text his girlfriend – he was anticipating that since he had gotten off stage; it was unbearable at this point. Just as he was about to text her, he had collided with someone, the phone falling onto the floor with a loud 'tap'.
"Ah, shit.." He trailed his orbs trailed up to the face of the person who had sworn, only to be met with those sharp features again.
"I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going," You were rambling in English, as you bent down to pick up the phone. "At least your phone is fine, there aren't any cracks or scratches."
The Busan male stuttered out in the unknown language, a rush of nervousness going through him. He couldn't understand a word of what you were saying. The side of his lips twitched when you had finally looked at him, half bent with his phone in your grasp.
"A-Ah.." You seemed to realize who you were speaking to, since you had cleared your throat and offered the phone with both your hands after standing up straight. "Sorry, I.. Um- a-accident?"
Was he allowed to be amused by this? Was he allowed to find another person adorable when he had a girlfriend he cherished with all his heart? Jimin let out a chuckle at your attempt at speaking his mother tongue, and shook his head as he took the device.
"My Korean isn't good, sorry."
That came out a little more fluent than he expected – he assumed you had probably practiced that one sentence a couple of times. His fear had dissipated slightly; he would only say slightly because he still felt a rush around you – whether it's bad or good, he didn't know. He only felt comfortable due to the fact that you were speaking in a language he knew.
"Do you understand Korean?" He spoke slowly, a hint of curiosity in his voice, a bit of hope behind his look.
"Oh-" Your eyes seemed to widen, trailing over the wall next to you before meeting his again. "Yeah.. A little?"
And that was enough for him to want to get to know you. It wasn't looks, it wasn't the way you always smiled at him when you made a visual connection – it was the bright aura you radiated. It was almost like Hoseok's aura, but a much softer version, more adventurous.
"Where are you going?" He asked, when you had walked past him. "That's where the exit is."
"Exit?" You repeated the word in utter confusion, turning to look at him. "I'm going outside."
"Yeah, outside."
It was hard, but he was determined to talk to you. When you had walked away, he had run to catch up with you, stuffing his phone in his pocket. His girlfriend could wait. When you had looked at him, he just gave you a smile and nod whilst he continued to walk.

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