100 ways to say "I love you"

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{Yoongi x reader}
{words: 1166}
{warnings: Alcohol abuse, vomiting, casual/nonserious mentions of death}

If you could end your suffering right then and there, you would.
The tears streamed down your face uncontrollably when you thought you were going to suffocate, desperately gasping for air while your stomach contracted so painfully you were sure you'd pass out.
Oh how you wished you could just pass out.
Your stomach gave you just enough time to quickly gulp some oxygen before it squeezed together again, causing another wave of acid and whatever content was left in your gut to burn through your throat mercilessly and having you choke all over again.
You just wanted it to stop, you couldn't do it anymore. You felt like you were going to die and frankly, in that moment, you'd welcome death with open arms. Right when you thought you'd ran out of air, your stomach decided to take a small break again, letting you sob and wallow in self-pity in peace for a moment.
Or so you thought.
"Fun, isn't it? Tell me again how not listening to me was such a great idea."
You wanted to roll your eyes or get angry, but you just couldn't muster the energy to do either. You settled for an idignant whine as you laid your head to rest on your arm, supported by the porcelain bowl underneath you.
"You're such a stubborn brat, really. Do you really want me to say it?"
God, he was so annoying. Why couldn't he just let you die in peace? You tried to shake your head, but just ended up rolling your forehead from side to side on the curve of your arm.
"I told you so, ____-" He hissed disapprovingly, "I fucking told you so, didn't I?"
You opened your mouth to protest, to tell him to just shut up and leave you alone, but the moment you did, your insides decided the break was over and had you hanging with your head over the pot all over again.
Yoongi dutifully held your hair back and brushed it out of your sweaty face to keep it from getting dirty, his annoyed expression softening out in sympathy when he heard you gasp, choke and cry at the same time, the knuckles of your fingers turning white from your tight grip around the toilet seat.
"Poor thing..." you heard him murmur softly as he caressed your hair in an attempt to calm you down, to soothe your suffering a bit. You couldn't exactly say it didn't help.
"Yoongi-" you managed to croak out inbetween a choked off sob right before emptying the last remaining bit of gall in your stomach. God, that fucking hurt.
"Did you get it all out, baby?" he cooed gently, dabbing at your temples and forehead with a wet towel.
"I dunno," you sighed out, the words still slurring when they rolled off your wet lips. There might not be any alcohol left in your gut, or anything else for that matter, but it was still surging through your veins at full speed.
He sat there with you for five minutes longer, making sure you were fine before he wrapped an arm around your waist and hoisted you on your feet. Well, more or less. You held on to his shoulders like they were a lifeline, clinging onto him for dear life as he dragged you to your bedroom since you apparently forgot how to walk, hearing him curse under his breath when he had to carry your dead weight by himself.
"Shit, I didn't know you could be so fucking heavy!", he huffed while trying to open the bedroom door with his foot, needing both of his arms to keep you upright, "You really owe me after this, you hear me?"
You just hummed against his chest, the warmth radiating off of it lulling you to sleep when your head gradually stopped spinning, only to get heavier instead. A moment of disorientation followed when he dropped you on your mattress, your arms spread out next to you, and you were ready to fall asleep right then and there.
"Just a sec," you heard his footsteps leave the bedroom and go down the stairs as he left you there to lay on the bed in starfish position, still dressed in your too tight outfit and uncomfortable shoes. God you hated it, you hated all of it and you wanted it off right now.
No response. Did he really just leave you like this?
But to be fair, why would he stick around? With that thought in mind, you started to kick your shoes off before twisting your body in all kinds of painful and uncomfortable angles to get to your arms out. You didn't know how much time had passed before you could finally shimmy yourself out of that damn shirt, but you somehow managed to do it. You had no energy left to remove the rest of the clothing, even though it was bothering you a lot.
"Yah, why do you keep your meds under the sink? Took me forever to find th-"
Yoongi's words got caught in his throat when he saw you spread out on the bed like he left you, but your clothes suddenly appeared to be missing.
You already regretted trying to remove your clothes by yourself, the effort it took causing your blood to run through your veins faster, meaning the alcohol tried to kick back in, the dehydration causing your head to pound violently and a nagging sting to return to your stomach.
"Yoongi...I don't feel so good..." You whimpered helplessly, on the brink of tears again. God, you felt like shit, "My head hurts."
He ignored the burning blush spreading across his cheeks after seeing you half naked for the first time in his life and decided to do what he came for.
"Yeah, yeah... You did this all to yourself, though," He murmured, tearing the comforter from underneath your immobilized body to cover you up with it after he noticed how you started to shiver, "Here, drink this. You'll feel better."
He helped you sit up a bit more straight before handing you a big glass of water, which you gulped down gratefully.
"Take this too," He added while handing you a small white aspirin, filling your glass with water again, "I'll leave the bottle on the nightstand if you get thirsty tonight."
You nodded, gladly took the offered painkiller and drank the whole glass, hoping you'll be spared of a nasty hangover in the morning.
"Thanks Yoongi," you managed to mumble before darkness surrounded you, your poor body demanding you to rest and recover from the assault you committed on it.
He laid you down on your side, tugging the pillow underneath your head so you were more comfortable before sighing and rolling his eyes, though a small smile tugged on the corner of his lips as he looked down on your sleeping form. You really were a stubborn brat.

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