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{Hoseok x female!reader}
{graphic smut}
{words: 5043}
That was obviously something Hoseok never had.
With the dark eyes, the small smirk he would make as his teeth slightly flashed you.
Nothing about that man spoke innocence.
But he had everyone fooled, with the cameras. With the sunshine-like smile. The loud screams he would make, the loud laugh that everyone loved so dearly.
But you knew just how much of a sinner he really was.
Him being your boyfriend of three years only proves how much you know about him. How much he only shows that side to you, and only you.
But you were still quite an innocent, naïve girl. Depsite having a boyfriend who is nothing but a sinner, and has no drop of pure inside him.
A jealous, impure, protective man.
His eyes watched you as you laughed at something Jungkook said, his dark eyes doing nothing but burning holes into the side of your head.
You stay on the couch with Jungkook, not sure as to why he had such a dark gaze.
"He really is a sinner," Jungkook whispers to you, leaning in close.
You pout your bottom lip, not understanding, "Who is?"
"Your devious boyfriend," he laughs, pulling away from you slightly.
You tilt your head to the side to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend, but before you could, Jungkook lightly placed a finger on your jawline to make sure you wouldn't look at him.
Your eyes focused on Jungkook with a confused look, "What-"
"Let's see how jealous he can get," he raises his eyebrow once.
You scoff, "He won't get jealous."
Jungkook chuckles darkly, "You must not know your boyfriend as well as you think, then."
You pout further, "Yes I do."
He laughs, throwing his head back, "His eyes are really burning holes into our heads, Y/N."
"Can I look-"
"No," Jungkook answers quickly, "You want to make him jealous?"
You bite your bottom lip, wondering what your boyfriend would do when he was jealous. You may have seen a few times what the sinner boy can do, but nothing ever really sent him off the edge.
And you really wanted to see what he would do.
You slowly nod your head, "Yeah, I kinda do."
Jungkook gestures you to move closer, watching you with a glint in his eyes that was nothing but mischievousness. You scoot closer, and he rests his hand onto your knee.
You gasp at the contact, your dress slightly moving up from your knee, "Jungkook-"
"He's watching," he pauses, before whispering in your ear, "More like glaring."
You pout, suddenly feeling guilty, "I don't know if I want to do this anymore-"
"He wants to see how far you're willing to take it, Y/N," Jungkook smirks, "Show him how far you're willing to take it."
You bite your bottom lip, wanting to look at Hoseok's face, "Can I look at him?"
Jungkook nods his head once, and you immediately look over at your boyfriend.
He was glaring daggers at the two of you, his eyes a darker shade than normal. His head was tilted, waiting for you to continue.
No, more like daring you to continue.
You bite your bottom lip, and you watched as he huffed out a breath of air. Jungkook's hand moved upwards and Hoseok's eyes watched with anger.
He's seen enough.
He quickly gets up from his seat, storming towards you both.
"Here he comes," Jungkook whispers in your ear, and you gulp.
"Aren't you scared?" You look at the maknae, and he smirks.
"Not as much as you should be."
"Lay the fuck off my girlfriend," Hoseok's breathing was hard as he grasped his hand in your small wrist, tugging you up towards him.
Jungkook raises his hands up, a smug look placed before us, "Sorry, man."
Hoseok growls lowly, gripping your waist with such force, and you squeak as he pulls you in towards his chest. He forces you to look up at him, and you admire his lovely eyes. No matter how clouded they were with anger, they were still the loveliest color of dark brown.
Your naïve, innocence took over as you ran your hand through his hair, not completely understanding the situation.
You were more fixated on him.
On how much more beautiful he looked up close.
His high cheek bones were perfect in your eyes, and you saw no flaw in this man as you wiped the hair away from his eyes. He looked down at you, anger still consumed in him.
But you were still oblivious to the fact that he was angry with you. You were so transfixed on how beautiful, how perfect this man was, that you didn't notice anything other than your sunshine boyfriend.
The sin in him was something you never saw.
You didn't ignore it, although.
You knew he was a devious man, but you never thought of it as a bad thing.
Not once did you think badly of him.
And he loved you for that.
He was possessive, and constantly jealous of everyone because you were too perfect for him. Too perfect to be real. He didn't want anyone else to have you. To hold you. To kiss you. To taste you. To feel you.
He didn't want anyone else to love you the way he did.
You were his.
And only his.
He knew you never saw the bad in him, and that's why he thought of you as perfect.
Because you thought of him as perfect.
You loved him more than anything.
More than anyone.
And he didn't want your focus on any other man in this world, than on him. He didn't want to lose you.
Hoseok's eyes softened as he saw the pure, innocence in your eyes. He watched you as you smiled up at him, your eyes shining as the color in your eyes lightened at the sight of him.
He saw the pure love in your eyes.
And he only slightly calmed down at the sight of you.
He knows how naïve, how small, how innocent you were.
And he loved how, no matter how many times you two have made love and/or fucked, you were still his innocent girl. Nothing he did tainted that pure mind of yours.
And he admired you for that.
How nothing could change you.
Not even him.
Hoseok's eyes travel towards Jungkook, his grip on your waist suddenly getting tighter. You giggled at the contact of his hard chest against yours, loving the closeness.
"She's mine," He angrily spits.
Jungkook smirks, nodding his head, "She's good for you, Hoseok."
Hoseok looks down at you as you were still staring up at him with a loving gaze. Hoseok agreed on that statement.
You really were good for him.
"I know, hyung. I know," he kisses your forehead, "But don't ever fucking touch her like that again. She's mine."
Jungkook laughs, "Go show her how much she's yours, then, hyung."
Hoseok growls lowly, looking down at you again, "Oh, I will."
You curiously look at Hoseok's back as he unlocks the door to your shared apartment.
The whole ride home he was silent, and his hands were tightly gripping the steering wheel with anger to the point where his knuckles had turned white.
You pouted at the thought as you followed him inside.
He closes the door after you came in, and he breathes out a long sigh.
"Hoseok," you whisper softly, feeling like you were being scolded like a child as he gave you the silent treatment.
"What?" His voice was low, and gruff.
You pouted even further, walking closely to him as he faced away from you, tightly clutching the door knob as he faced the door after closing it behind you.
You run your fingers over his white knuckles, feeling worried that he might hurt himself from too much pressure.
"Don't hurt yourself, Oppa," you say softly, and this causes him to slightly relax under your touch.
He loved it when you touched him.
Even the smallest touch made him feel at peace.
And your words were so.. Soft.
So innocent, he thought.
"Please look at me," You pout, starting to feel as tears brim your eyes from feeling rejected.
You couldn't help it.
You had been rejected so many times due to you always being so naïve, and small. And so fucking innocent.
You didn't want him to reject you, too.
He quickly grabs your waist before you can protest, and you squeak in surprise as your back suddenly hits the door with a harsh slam. You giggle though, not a single ounce of pain running through your back as he stared into your eyes with his own dark orbs. Nothing mattered as long as his attention was on you.
His face was so close to yours, and he noticed the tears that fell from your eyes seconds prior to him placing you against the wall. He frowned, wiping away the tears with guilt written on his face.
He never wanted to make you cry.
He never wanted you to be upset.
You were the only innocence he had left.
He couldn't ruin that.
He couldn't ruin you.
You lean into his touch, and he notices as you close your eyes at the feeling of his large hand cupping your small face. He watched you, his dark eyes no longer filled with anger.
You opened your eyes, your eyelashes being in the way as you shyly look up into his eyes. He raises your head up towards him, and he moves in close to you.
You close your eyes, wanting him to kiss you.
"You're mine, you know that?" He asks you, almost as breathless as you were.
You nod your head, his hand still holding your head as you keep your eyes closed, "Yes.." You whisper, and he smiled at you.
He leans in closer, "Good."
And with that, his lips were on yours.
You felt his lips against yours, loving the feeling. Loving the taste.
Loving him.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his head down even more, so that you can reach his height better. His hands trailed down towards your hips, pulling your body closer to his, and you felt his hardened member against your thigh. You moaned at the feeling, your innocence still there.
He pulls away to place kisses on your neck, claiming you with dark bruises that wouldn't leave for days. Weeks, even.
"Mine," he whispers against your skin, and you moan as he bites on your sweet spot.
He smirks, loving the innocent sounds you made. He ground his hips on your thigh again, and you gasp.
"Hoseok," you say his name, and this causes a reward for him to wrap one of your legs around his hip.
"That's right, say the name of the man who's going to fuck you until you can't walk anymore," he growls in your ear, and you whimper at the rough tone.
He had never been this.. Vulgar before.
Sure, he would cuss from time to time, but nothing half as bad as that.
But it only made you more wet.
Your core throbbed in anticipation, and although it was nothing new, it was still a weird sensation for you.
"Hoseok," you whisper, "I'm tingly again," you pout.
He growls, loving your innocence, once again.
He presses his hips against your clothed centre, and you moan out loud of how good it felt.
He kept rolling his hips up, causing you to throw your head back as he continued to assault your neck.
You were bound to be purple and blue all over now.
"Jump," he whispers.
You do as said, wanting more. Your legs go around his waist, and he catches you with ease. He kisses you again, except this kiss was more passionate, more rough. More needy.
He places himself on the couch, you straddling his dancer hips as his hands are placed on your own small hips.
"Move, kitten."
He instructs you to move your hips, and you do as told as he controls your speed.
You drop your head into the crook of his neck, "Oh god.."
"Wrong name, sweet heart," he growls.
"Hoseok," you moan as he moves your hips faster, his nails digging into your hips.
"Stand up, baby."
You reluctantly get up from your position, and stand between his legs.
He chuckles at your innocent look, "Still so untainted, Y/N.."
He grabs the straps of your loose, silky dress that he bought you for your birthday that year, and slid it down. He noticed that you weren't wearing a bra, and his eyes widened in surprise. You tilted your head in confusion, not sure as to why it was such a big deal.
"Hoseok..?" You say hesitantly.
His eyes trail over your body, "You're so perfect, and so good for me.."
You chuckle as he places kisses on your bare stomach as you step out of your dress that soon hit the floor. Your underwear was his favorite red lace that he bought for your three year anniversary. You personally loved that pair as well, and wore it each time you went out. And although it was rare to go out, you still cherished the moments you did.
"And you're all mine," he whispers.
His teeth pull at the band of your underwear and it snaps back against your skin. You moan at the feeling, watching him with dark eyes of your own.
He looks up at you, kissing your abdomen, "Something wrong, princess?"
You pout, running your fingers through his soft hair, "I want you."
He had never heard something so.. Lovely come out of your mouth. Something so impure.
And although it wasn't a cuss word, or anything large, it was still a huge surprise for him.
But he loved it.
Hell, he thought it was perfect.
Just like everything else about you.
He leans back and pats his thigh, instructing you to sit, "Come here, beautiful."
You grin at the nickname, and straddle his lap. His hard member was now fully erected, and you moaned at the feeling of it against your clothed, wet core.
You grind your hips against his, and this action alone has him throwing his head back with a huge groan in response. He had never seen you so.. Needy before.
"What has gotten into you tonight?" He grabs your hips, guiding you as you rolled your hips to your own accord.
You whimper, loving the way his hands felt on your body, "Hopefully you."
He groans, loving the way your innocent eyes looked at him. Loving the way your innocent voice coaxed him.
"I'm yours, Hoseok," you whisper into his ear, leaning forward as you start to feel a familiar, yet weird coil in your stomach.
"Hoseok, I-" You groan, and he only speeds up your hips with his strong hands, "Oh my- Urngh," you made a strange noise, and this only provoked him to move you faster.
He loved your noises, no matter how strange and unhuman they sounded.
He grabbed your ass, and you squeak when you feel yourself start to climax, "Oh god, Hoseok.. I-I feel s-something.. Oh gosh.."
"Let it go, Y/N. Cum for me," he kisses just below your ear lobe, and you cry out his name throwing your head back as his words send you over the edge.
You breathe heavy, before looking back into his dark eyes, and deciding that, even though you're tired, you weren't done with him yet.
And you could tell he wasn't done with you either.
"Hold on tight, love."
You do as told, once again, and clench yourself around him, feeling his clothes against your naked chest, and his hard member against your still wet core.
You kiss his neck, slightly distracting him as he starts to make his way towards your shared bedroom. He groans, loving how soft your lips were on his neck as you leave your own mark there. You never knew about these kinds of things until Hoseok started doing them to you. You repeated his actions, biting and sucking until there was a bruise on his neck. Until there were several, to be more precise.
At first, you were worried that you would hurt him from the impact, but he told you that it was fine. That you were given the exact same thing, and that you were fine, too. And you realized he was right. He would never do those things if he knew it would hurt you.
He loved you too much.
The second you make it towards your room, he roughly places the both of you on your bed, and he kisses you with force. You run your fingers through his hair, feeling the sweat that was trailing down his hair towards his back, and chest.
You fumble with the buttons on his shirt, and he slides his tongue in your mouth, dominating you in a matter of seconds. You moan at the taste of him, and he groans back.
His sounds were pure heaven for you.
Your core was still sensitive, so when he ground his hips against your wet core, you pulled away from his lips to cry out a plea of his name.
He loved the way his name sounded on your lips.
He kisses down your neck, down your jaw, down to your chest, making sure to leave as many marks as he could.
You were his.
And he would be sure to let everyone know that.
His kisses stopped right above your panty line, and you whined in protest. He watched as you pouted your bottom lip, trying to convice him to move further.
But he just kept sucking, licking even, on your skin, teasing every fiber of your being.
You finally reach your hand out to touch his soft, envious black hair, and he hums against your stomach, and you giggle at the feeling as it tingles from your stomach, all the way through your spine.
Your innocence still never left you, even after your dirty comments and actions.
And he loved how untainted you always were.
Nothing could break you.
"Hoseok.. Please.." He heard his name being called from that sweet mouth of yours, and quickly obeyed you.
He pulled your panties down, looking up at you with a dark gaze in his eyes. He smirks, and this causes you to curiously watch him.
He has never done this before.
He has never tried to eat you out before, so you had no idea what he was doing.
This was all new to you, and he knew that.
"Be loud, kitten," he kisses up your thigh, and you're still uncertain of what he was doing, "I love hearing you scream my name."
He moves his face closer towards your centre, and you squeal when he roughly pulls your legs over his shoulders. His face was right in front of your dripping core, and you sighed as he let out a breath of air, letting the cool air sink into your core.
"I bet you taste so fucking sweet," he kisses your inner thigh, "Like fucking sin."
He licks your inner thigh, causing a loud moan to rip through your throat, "Hoseok.. W-what are you d-doing?"
He chuckles, "Showing you how much you're mine, and how sinful I can be."
You're about to answer with another question, but your words quickly die in your mouth as you gasp for air the second his tongue glides across your throbbing clit.
"Oh fu-gde," you were about to curse your little mouth out, but then you quickly caught yourself, causing him to chuckle darkly.
"So fucking pure," he whisper, licking you up again, "But you taste so much fucking more sinful."
He delves into you, his face disappearing into your core as his tongue sucks and licks your slit with care, knowing you had orgasmed just ten minutes ago.
He may be a devious man, but he wasn't cruel.
"Moan for me," He groans against you, causing you to arch your back as you felt the vibrations roll through you.
"Hoseok!" You scream out his name the second his tongue digs straight into your dripping core.
You grip the sheets, biting your lip as you helplessly whimper against him.
He twists his tongue, trying to find a better spot inside you, moving at a rapid pace that has your walls clenching around his tongue. He moans at the feeling, making you moan even louder from the vibrations, once again.
He sticks in a finger suddenly, with his tongue still stimulating your core along with it. You scream his name as your voice cracks, and he swore he had heard nothing more beautiful than that.
You looked down at him, trying to catch your breath, but it only turned you on more as he made eye contact with you, a smirk etching onto his lips as he dove in deeper, adding another finger.
"Hoseok! Oh f-fuck!" At this point, you could care less what your mouth was spewing at this point in time.
You were being driven into a state of insanity by a boy name Jung Hoseok. He was your only focus, and he loved it.
He listened as you started to curse more as your second climax started to reach, and he hummed against you, loving the way your innocent mouth spoke such harsh words.
If he knew this was the key to get to you to be so dirty for him, he would have done it long ago.
And he loved this moment even more, because he knew he would be the only one to ever hear those dirty words fall from those perfectly shaped lips of yours.
He would be the only one to ever see you arch your back as he buried his face in between your legs. He would be the only one to ever see you so fucked out before.
"Hoseok! Shit, ah! Fuck!" You scream his name as your body started to coil all over again.
"Cum for me, Y/N," he hum against you, moving his fingers even faster along with his skilled tongue.
This was all it took for you to be pushed over the edge, causing you to cum for the second time that night.
"Hoseok!" You shout his name, unable to contain yourself.
You cringe as he licks you clean, sucking leisurely against you.
"Ah, fuck," you breath helplessly as he leans back up again.
He kisses you, and you taste yourself, causing you to break away from him.
"Hoseok," you pout.
He hums, "Hm?"
His forehead rests on yours, "What is it, kitten?" He pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear as the sweat rolls down your body.
"Your shirt never even came off fully, and I'm here naked," You say innocently, "I want to fix that."
You make him shrug off his button down, and he chuckles darkly. His skin was a beautiful golden tan that had you jealous, but you were glad he was yours. You wouldn't trade him for a thing.
You move your hands down slowly, as if experimenting to see his reaction. His muscles tense at your touch, and you move your hands away, scared you were hurting him even though your touch was softer than a feather.
"Please," he pauses, leaning into your ear as his voice rasps out a low gruff, "Don't stop."
You bite your lip, before placing your hands back onto his stomach. It was still that same golden tan that you loved so much. He started to kiss your neck, causing you to grin at the gesture, because it meant he was loving your touch.
You start to unbuckle his pants, and he bites on your skin, urging you to keep going. You obey his order, and quickly unbutton and unzip his pants. You reach your hand down towards his hard, fully erected member, and he groans against your ear, hiding his face into the crook of your neck as you started to rub him through his boxers.
"Holy shit, Y/N.. Fuck," he whispers, before harshly biting onto your shoulder, causing you to tighten your hold onto his member, and he hisses at the pain, but it was filled with more pleasure as you started to rub the pain away.
You moan when he reaches your soft spot on your neck, "Hoseok.."
You felt him twitch in your hand as you kept rubbing him, "Please, Y/N.."
You pull your hand back, "Was I doing something wrong?" You innocently pout, feeling ashamed.
He quickly shakes his head, furrowing his eyebrows and kissing away your doubt, "No.. You're doing perfect.."
Normally he would do all the work, so it was quite an odd feeling to touch him. You didn't want to do anything wrong, and you didn't want to hurt him.
He has never hurt you, and you didn't want to hurt him.
He kisses you lovingly, before pulling his pants and boxers off. You eyed him and your eyes went wide as you stared down at his large member.
Sure, you have had sex before with him, but it felt as if it just kept getting bigger each time.
Your innocent doe eyes were all he could focus on as you stared into his own sinful eyes.
He was so bad.
So.. Rough around the edges.
But you never once saw that.
You were so good.
So soft.
Nothing could ever ruin this moment he was having with you. He loved the way your eyes were clouded with lust, yet they still had that remain of innocence, as always.
"Hoseok.." You whisper, causing him to come out of his trance.
He kisses you sweetly, "Yes?"
"Please.. I need you," You begged him, making him come back into reality.
He bit your bottom lip, "Let me know if I'm hurting you."
No matter how rough he may be, he was still the sweetest man alive.
And everyone knew that.
Everyone knew his intentions were always good.
Epsecially you.
He rolls his hips against yours, making you cry out his name, "Hoseok!"
He stopped to look at you with worry, but you wrapped your legs around his waist abruptly, causing his whole length to be shoved into you as he lost his balance.
"Ah, fuck, Y/N," he groaned at the tightness of your walls, and you moaned at the feeling of him stretching you perfectly.
"Move, please.. Fuck, move, please," You curse, causing him to start at a fast pace.
You moan his name, "Hoseok! Oh, fucking hell.."
You arched your back, moaning as you started to claw at his back, "Faster, please.. Hoseok, faster.."
He sped up his pace, before dragging your leg over his shoulder, making sure to hit your g-spot each time, making your innocent mouth more vocal than ever.
"Fuck, Hoseok.. Shit.." Your voice cracks as your walls clench around his member, and he groans.
He seemed to love when you clenched your walls around him, so you did it several more times, wanting him to be more vocal as well.
"Oh, shit, Y/N.. Fuck," he breathes, "You're so fucking tight."
You moan at his words, it soon turning into another squeak as he pounds faster, "Hoseok!"
"Keep screaming my name, Y/N," he chuckles darkly, "Let everyone know who fucks you this good."
You arch your back, "H-Hoseok, I-I think I'm-"
"I know, me too," he whispers in your ear, before biting down on your shoulder to keep quiet so he can hear your screams of approval.
You scream his name, your innocent voice cracking even more.
His thrusts turn more sloppy as he notices you starting to unravel, but his pace only moves quicker.
With one final thrust, you came all over him, making him follow you straight after from feeling the way your walls clenched around him repeatedly.
He breathed in a deep breath, both of you sweaty and tired from everything. His arms give out on him from holding himself up this whole time, and he lays himself on top of you, him still inside you.
You run your fingers through his hair, coaxing him even more to fall asleep.
He finally comes back to his senses, and gets up to grab a towel to clean you up. When he leaves you, you are suddenly cold and lonely. You whimper at the loss of contact, and he chuckles out a tired laugh.
When he returns to you, he smiles sweetly at you, his eyes turning back to that beautiful dark brown color that you loved so much. He cleans you up, and you wince at the contact of something so harsh touching you. He frowns, slowly cleaning you so that it won't hurt as much.
When he finishes, he throws the towel into your hamper, before rejoining you on the bed, placing the covers over you both, and wrapping his arms securely around your waist. You snuggle into his side, and he smiles down at you.
"You have such a vulgar mouth for such an innocent face, and voice," he teases you.
You pout, snuggling deeper into his neck, "I'm sorry.."
He laughs, "For what, Jagi?"
"For cursing," You state simply, your innocence being too much for him.
He runs his fingers through your damp hair from the sweat earlier, "You're so perfect, Y/N.. Sometimes I think you're too good for me."
You kiss his chest, making him hum in approval, "What makes you think that?"
He kisses the top of your head, "Your innocence."
You furrow your eyebrows together, not quite understanding, and he continues, "You're so soft, and pure. You're nothing like me.. You're so perfect, and no matter what, nothing can ever take that innocence from you. Not even me."
"But I cursed," you pout again.
"That's nothing, Y/N.. You're still such a sweet, innocent, and pure woman," he continues to praise you.
You kiss his chest again, "I'm a sinner for being with you, Hoseok."
He laughs, "You sure are, Y/N.. You sure are."

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