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{Jungkook x reader}
{Word count: 630}

'You're stupid!'
'Yeah, well, you're ugly!'
A well-aimed kick on the shinbone followed and the boy was crying it out.
'She kicked me!'
'Did not!', the little girl denied harshly before pushing the boy into the snow and opening the flood gates, crying and sobbing overdramatically to win her father's sympathy, 'Daddy! H-he called m-me ugly!'
You sighed deeply as you headed for the swings, ready to separate your son from the girl before they took their bickering too far.
'Excuse me, is that your son?', a foreign voice sounded from behind you.
You turned around, startled, only to meet two smiling, dark brown eyes and an outstretched hand.
'Uhm, yes...Is that your daughter?', you asked in return, hesitantly placing your hand in his to shake it and pointing at the kids over your shoulder with the other.
'Yeah...Quite the character, huh?', he grimaced apologetically.
You were smiling before you knew it, a strange and warm feeling seeping through your chest like hot chocolate on this cold winter day.
'It's fine, kids their age... It's good she's standing up for herself!', you chuckled, 'She'll need that fighting spirit growing up.'
The handsome man's face lit up like the sun and you thought you were going to get blinded by its brightness.
'Oh, uhm...Jungkook.', he uttered when he collected himself again.
'____-', you recited your name back to him before just standing there nodding and smiling to each other like idiots, until you realized how stupid you must look.
'So...Do you come here often?', you decided to break the silence, though it hadn't been uncomfortable.
'What, the playground? Ah, not really, we just recently moved into the neighborhood, so... Do you?'
'Yep, almost every other day. It's important for him to lose some of that energy once in a while.', you nodded in your son's direction.
'I'll be coming here more often too then.', Jungkook grinned mischievously, bringing a bright blush to flush your cheeks, though it could easily be passed off as a result of the freezing cold.
'M-Maybe we should break our children up before they hurt each other.', you proposed, a nervous giggle almost audible through your voice.
Jungkook shook his head, smiling and pointing behind you.
'I think they're doing just fine.'
You turned around to see your little boy wiping the girl's tears from her cheeks before giving her a hug, which she returned.
'Awe, that's so cute!', you cooed, moved by the adorable display of affection from your son and his new friend.
'Wait for it.', Jungkook sighed, though with a hint of amusement.
The little girl moved to peck a kiss on your boy's cheek, making him 'ewwww!' in disgust and rub his cheek with his gloved hand like something filthy and contageous got on his skin. Of course the girl wasn't very pleased with that.
'You're ewww!', she countered angry before calling for her dad again.
'I think she likes him.', Jungkook chuckled, stealing a glance at you while you were laughing at the scenario unfolding in front of you.
'Yeah...They're perfect for each other.', you smiled, shaking your head in amusement.
'Hey, ____-...Do you...Want to get some coffee? Sometime? If you want?'
He shuffled back and forth on his feet, acting like he did it to stay warm but you could tell he was nervous, somehow...Maybe as nervous as you were.
'Sure!', you beamed, the color on your cheeks only deepening, 'I'll give you my number.'
Jungkook's smile went from ear to ear before he focused his eyes back on the snow covered ground, his hand scrambling to fish his phone out of the pocket of his jacket.
Having kids sure had its perks

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