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{Namjoon x Reader}
{Word Count: 828}
{fluff & implying sexual content}

Namjoon breaking things was nothing new to you.
In fact, within the first week of officially being together, he had broken the necklace he had given to you when asking you to be his partner. It made you laugh, the way he snapped the chain with an accidental tug, and you managed to stop his flurry of apologies with a simple kiss. It was the first time he had been rewarded for his bad habit, and it was then he realised he really liked you.
Still, things aren't funny forever. Yoongi had predicted you would want to wring his neck because of his dangerous limbs very fast. And you quickly came to realise that within the eleven months you had been together. Namjoon could literally break anything within moments, leaving you standing there in absolute astonishment.
This time, however, your astonishment only lasted a few moments as you stared at the broken fragments of your favourite plates that lay pathetically at Namjoon's feet. "What the hell?" You shouted, unable to tear your eyes away from the shattered china. Your love for collecting plates had come from your mother's obsessive fondness for them. Upon notice the red-faced boy reach down to pick with up without care, you flew forward, raising your voice higher. "Stop, stop, stop! Namjoon!"
"Namjoon?" He squeaked at the fact that you had called him by his name in such a tone but you weren't paying the slightest bit of attention to him, mourning over the delicate cherry blossom pattern that was now sprawled over the kitchen tiles. "Yah, jagi, calm down―"
Clearly the wrong thing to say, he backed away slightly when your cold glare was thrown at him. "What do you mean calm down? Eomma bought these for me when she went Japan..." you whined as you carefully stacked the pieces on top of each other. Noticing Namjoon's hand reach down once more to help you, your temper beat him to it, causing you to smack his hand away. The sharp smack followed by Namjoon's mixture of a whine and hiss resounded in the kitchen but you didn't even care. "What were you even doing touch them? Hm?"
"I... I wanted to make you breakfast," he mumbled, cradling his hand to his chest. You tutted, as if that actually hurt him.
"You know you're not allowed in the kitchen without someone being near," groaning, you turned to grab a bag to put the china shards in. Once they were binned, you turned to him with an annoyed expression. "What were you thinking?"
Namjoon was silent as he looked you over before his lips settled into the tiniest unintentional pout. He never realised he did it but you always caught him pouting when he was upset. Immediately, you regretted speaking to him in such a way. "You clearly want an argument that you're not going to get," he simply shrugged you off, walking out of the kitchen and straight into your bedroom.
Grabbing the broom with the feelings of both annoyance and guilt pushing at your chest, you began to harshly sweep the floor. Namjoon hated arguing and was never one for conflict. Maybe it was his leader role or the fact that he was a bloody sweetheart but he always walked away the second he felt like you were about to argue. And it always left you feeling guilty as hell, wondering why you were about to pick a fight with a man who hated them.
With a pout of your own, you finished in the kitchen and shuffled back into your room. Namjoon was on his side, tucked under the blanket with his back to you. Slowly, you edged your way onto the bed and sat behind him. "Babe..." you tried to coerce him with the name he loved. When he didn't answer, you moved closer, resting your chin on his arm. "Give me a kiss."
"No." He tried to shake you off but you stayed, adamant to sweet talk your way back into his good books. "You hurt my hand."
You grinned, "Let me kiss it better then."
Moving away, you let him roll onto his back to give you a deadpanned look. Taking it as an invitation, you moved to straddle him, chuckling at the way his hands automatically rested at your hips. "Mianhae," you apologised in a teasing manner, leaning down to place a chaste kiss on his chin. "Let me make it up to you, baby."
"Yeah?" He breathed, tilting your head up for a kiss that had your mind reeling. He had the plumpest lips ever that were so soft. They could coax you into doing anything.
Your eyes seemed blank with the way you stared at Namjoon's lips with unrelenting want. "How do you want me to make it up to you, baby?"
He said nothing, staring at your own lips, rubbing them with unspoken instructions.

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