What's for Dinner?

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{Words: 1023}
You turned the keys and opened the door. Entering your apartment, you took off your jacket and hung it on the hook, on the wall.
"Tae, I'm home," you announced as you took off your heels and walked barefoot into the living room. You saw your boyfriend turning around to look at you, from the couch. He had been watching television, waiting for you to come back. He grinned as he stood up and walked to you.
Engulfing you in a long, warm hug, he said, "Welcome back. I've missed you."
You closed your eyes as you let him hold you. Your hands secured around his waist as you breathed in his familiar, homely scent. He squeezed you lovingly and kissed your hair, making you open your eyes.
"What's for dinner?" you asked.
He stepped back, breaking the embrace, and pointed both his hands at himself. "Me."
You giggled and shook your head, as you turned and started walking away. "C'mon Tae, I'm serious."
But you stopped when he gave you no response. You turned and asked him, "You did get my text, right?"
He nodded. You crossed your arms. "And what did it say?"
He bit the inside of his lip before answering. "That you're going to be late, so I should order myself some food."
You tapped your foot. Sometimes you really felt like a mother who is dealing with a mischievous son. "And?"
"Well, I didn't want to eat without you," he groaned.
And, you groaned back. "Tae, I'm so tired, right now. All I wanted was to come back, eat some of your leftovers and go to sleep."
You appreciated the fact that he wanted to wait for you and eat with you. You really did. But you were too tired right now. You just wanted to grab a bite and sleep.
"God, Taehyung. I just asked you one thing to do and you-"
"Don't over react," he cut you off. He was getting pissed too, now. "I'll call the restaurant and order. You can eat and go to sleep."
You rolled your eyes. "It'd take at least half an hour for them to bring the order. It's no use now. I'll cook something."
You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, hoping you'd find something for a quick fix. Taehyung had entered the kitchen behind you. You had noticed him standing beside you as you searched the fridge.
He took a deep breath and hugged you from behind. "I'm sorry."
You knew how he was. His anger always went away as fast as it came. You pat his hands. "It's okay."
He turned you around. "No, it's not. You know what? I'll cook for you."
You rolled your eyes and laughed. "Yeah, right."
He puffed up his cheeks like a small kid. "Okay, I know I'm not good at cooking but no need to react like that."
You giggled and apologized. "So what will you cook, mister?"
"Ramen, obviously," he said, matter-of-factly.
"Obviously," you agreed.
"Quick, now go and take a bath. Your noodles will be ready before you're done, madam," he said and turned you around, pushing you outside the kitchen.
"Okay Tae, but you know our microwave oven has gone for repair, right? You'd have to cook on the stove."
"Oh," he said and stopped. A look of doubt coming on his face.
"You'd be able to do it, right?" You asked, raising a brow.
"Of course! You doubt me too much." He rolled his eyes and went back into the kitchen.

You walked out of the bathroom, smelling something burning.
"Taehyung!" You screamed as you ran into the kitchen. You saw him standing beside the sink, his phone in his hand, looking at you with shock. He was safe! You sighed with relief. But then your eyes turned to the burner.
"Y/N, are you okay? Why did you shout?"
You turned to him and glared in anger. "Taehyung. Did you stir the noodles?"
He looked at you in fear as he nodded a no. You groaned loudly as you walked to the stove and turned it off. You picked up the utensil carefully and put it under the sink, turning the tap on. Most of the noodles had stuck to the base of the pot and were already burnt.
"But, you don't need to stir them in the microwave," Taehyung pointed out, in his defense.
You kept quiet as you took out another pot, put it on the stove and started cooking a new batch of the noodles for both of you.
Silence continued as neither of you spoke for few minutes. Finally you heard Tae sigh behind you, as he began to speak.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you. You were so tired. I wish I knew how to cook so I could help you more. You do so much for me, I'm never able to give back."
His low voice made you turn around. He had his head hung low. He was clearly ashamed and sad. It broke your heart to see him this way. You cupped his face and made him look at you.
"But you do give back a lot, Tae. You go through tiring schedules and practices but still stay up late, waiting for me to return from work. You have to go around the world, performing and working. But there's not one day that you don't call me. You worry about me, you take care of me when I'm sick. You go crazy with happiness when I do well in my job. You do a lot for me, Tae. Much more than what I can ask for. So, please, never say that again."
He smiled a little at your words. You brought your face closer to him as you tenderly kissed his lips. "I love you, Taehyung."
His smile grew more. "I love you, too."
"Now, come here," you said, pulling him towards the stove. "I'll teach you how to make ramen, so you can cook them for me everytime I am late. Deal?"
He grinned and nodded. "Deal."

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