
400 3 0

{Seokjin x reader}
{words: 514}

{based off of this prompt: You stare at your crush, in your head you describe how beautiful they are. They turn around and catches you staring at them. they then walk towards you, sits beside you then proceeds to recite word for word how you described them in your head...}

You couldn't help it. He was so beautiful, a handsomeness unlike anything you've ever seen before. Your eyes followed every little one of his actions. How he sips his coffee with such composure, the way his plump lips formed an O-shape each time he blows on his beverage to cool it off, how he stares out of the window, his expression dreamy and distracted, to observe the many people passing by the coffee shop. He wore a light beige sweater, complimenting his ashy silver hair that fell in front of his face as he twirled around the spoon inside his cup to equally devide the sugar and milk. He was just absolutely...
He suddenly lifted up his cheek from the hand he was resting it on to whip his head back and turn around, full on catching you staring at him. He looked you straight in the eyes, and you were taken aback in such a way you forgot to pull your eyes away from him. So you saw him slowly getting off of his seat, a high barstool at the window table, grabbing his cup of Latte Macchiato before approaching you in a calm manner, a friendly smile plastered on his angelic face. And suddenly he was sitting next to you.
'So...Ethereal huh?', he asked you forthright, and you couldn't believe it.
He couldn't possibly have heard you, right? Did you accidentally say it out loud?! You stared at him in bewilderment before snapping yourself out of it, convincing yourself it must've been a coincidence.
'Excuse me?', acting like you had no idea what he was talking about.
'It's cute that was the word that came to mind when you were checking me out.', he grinned knowingly.
'I-i wasn't...'
'I'm Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you!'
He held out his hand, a slight sweaterpaw which made your cheeks get flushed, and you molded yours into it. It felt extra warm from the cup he was holding only a few seconds ago, the heat traveling straight to your face and making you blush even more. You recited your name back to him, earning you a dazzling eye smile in return.
There was a brief period of silence as you just stared in eachother's eyes before you mustered the courage to ask him.
'How did you know? About...What i was thinking.'
He just bit his bottom lip, letting his eyes wander to the ceiling in consideration whether he'd tell you his secret. He saw you looking at him with pleading eyes, almost like a begging puppy, so he caved pretty quickly with a shake of his head and a sighing smirk.
'I'll buy you another drink first. We'll be sitting here for a while.'

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