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{Taehyung x reader}
{words: 500}

"Ugh, I feel so sick and dizzy," you groaned as Taehyung helped carry you back into the house. He was home alone, being that you had left to hang out with your friends. But about an hour or so later, his phone rang with the call of your friends telling him you were completely drunk. You were a mess when he got there to pick you up. Taehyung wanted to get mad at you, but your drunk state had him mesmerized with the random things you kept mumbling on about.
"Why do superheroes wear their underwear on the outside?" You randomly asked. "Are they stupid or do they just want that as a new fashion trend?"
Taehyung shrugged as he carried you to your room. "You know..." you started again. "People say they're potatoes as if that's a bad thing. Potatoes are very beautiful, they can turn into hash browns, French fries–ah! It hurts!" You complained when your head started pounding hard once again.
"I should've never drank so much, what was I thinking?" You cried. "Now my head is killing me. And I'm so sweaty. I want to strip! It's too hot!"
"Don't worry about a thing, my love. I'll help you," Taehyung assured as he reached his hand out to help you change, only to be swapped away by your hand.
"'My love?' What are you doing? I have a boyfriend," you glared with warning and showing your fist to him like you were ready to fight in case he would try to strip you again.
Taehyung stared at you, dumbfounded with your sudden change of attitude. Were you really that drunk to not know who he was? Or were you actually going behind his back and dating someone else? "What are you talking about? You're mine."
"No I'm not! I'm Kim Taehyung's s/o!" Your declaration made him scoff out a laugh as the worries vanished. Him doubting you before made him question why he thought that way of you at all in the first place. Of course you wouldn't had cheated.
"Cuddles, how can you not recognize me? I'm Kim Taehyung."
"No you're not," you stubbornly argued, crossing your arms against your chest while pouting.
"You don't recognize my voice?" He asked.
"Now that I think about it, it does sound familiar. And Tae almost always calls me by the nickname Cuddles..." You found yourself thinking about it for some seconds. "I know!" You looked at him with excitement, mood changing quickly when you thought of something.
"Sing me a song!" You clapped your hands together like an excited little child.
Taehyung sighed with a light chuckle. "If I sing you a song, will you go to sleep?" His soothing deep voice made you sleepy so you nodded along with a yawn.
"Sweet dreams, my little teddy bear," he said, kissing your forehead and letting you relax on the bed before quietly singing a song to help you fall asleep.

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