Dance With Me

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{Dancer!Hoseok x Reader}
{Words: 946}

A hand was held out for you to take from your seat at the empty table, and you looked up to find Hoseok. His usual attire of a sweater and a pair of sweatpants was abandoned for today, given the occasion, for a nice set of black formalwear–from his dress shirt to his shoes.
You tilted your head, knowing that he was supposed to be in the middle of the dancefloor by now. After all, everyone's attention was on him the moment he stepped in the room. "What's up, Hobi?" you asked, trying your best to sound like nothing was wrong. You took his hand in yours, squeezing it a bit to let him know you were fine.
"Can I have this dance, [Y/N]?" He intertwined his fingers with yours and gently tugged on your hand to get up with him. "You look stunning tonight, as you do every other day, but you know what I mean. It would be a shame to not show everybody, don't you think?" A playful smile was on his face.
You chuckled at his poor attempt to convince you to socialize. "You're flattering me too much. Is it because I'm the only one who doesn't have a date?"
It was the annual formal ball of your university, and just like always, you were left alone. You weren't really one to mingle with others because you preferred to keep to yourself and only to a select few. You weren't even supposed to go to the ball in the first place, but you were somehow persuaded by Hoseok to go at the last minute.
You remembered the day you first talked to him.

Hoseok always sat beside you in your Calculus class. You knew he was a bit renowned because of all the girls in your class that gush over him as the "hottest member of the street dance team," who "never ignores anybody." Oddly enough, you two never engaged in a conversation. He was always just focused on writing his notes or entertaining someone who asked him for help.
That day, however, he seemed largely upset over something, but he still smiled through it. You could tell from inches away that he wasn't his usual self. He was muttering about not understanding the lesson, even though he tried his best to study it.
Knowing he was going to go on about it for another fifteen minutes, you decided to help him out the best way you can–by drawing out a simple comparison he could relate to. "Hoseok-sshi," you whispered, keeping your eyes on the professor as you spoke. "Mathematics is a little like dance, don't you think?"
From the corner of your eye, you saw him face you with a completely stunned expression. "What do you mean?" he replied, toning down his usually loud voice. "I don't understand, [Y/N]," he complained, crossing his arms.
Hearing your name come out from his mouth when this is the first time you've spoken a word to him made you look at him as well. "How'd you know my name?"
He furrowed his brows. "We've been beside each other for three months; how can I not know your name?"
"Right." Your cheeks were colored bright pink; it did make sense that he knew your name, just as you knew his. You cleared your throat. "Anyway, just think of this lesson as a simple choreography. See these patterns?" You pointed at the countless graphs he's been rewriting over and over again on his notebook. "They're... dance moves," you murmured the last part, realizing how bad you were at explaining.
Maybe you shouldn't have helped him in the first place. You were only confusing him further.
Much to your surprise, he nodded in understanding. "I get it!" he exclaimed, a little too loud that your teacher glared at him for five seconds before going back to his lecture. "Thank you, [Y/N]," he said in a low voice, doing a smooth wave with his arms in delight.

"What are you talking about? I'm your date!" Hoseok pouted. "I was wondering why you weren't sitting with me earlier. I've been trying to get to you, you know." He pulled you up from your seat when you suddenly went a little limp from his words.
What does he mean he's your date? All you remembered was him asking you to go to the ball... unless that meant that he was asking you to go with him.
You covered your face with your free hand, cursing under your breath. "Aren't you going with your... team?" You took a peek from between your fingers and found him inches away from your face.
"I want to be with you," he responded firmly before leading you away to the middle of the room. His hand was still entwined in yours, and you mentally berated yourself for feeling a blush spread out on your cheeks.
You could feel all eyes were on the two of you now. You never really talked to him outside of class, even though he always greeted you when you passed by each other in the hallways. He was just out of your league. He was a rising star in the underground dance scene and even in the university.
He was like a forbidden fruit.
"Hobi, no," you refused weakly, torn between wanting to grab this once in a lifetime opportunity and to get away from here before you could embarrass yourself. "I don't think I can do this."
He stopped and faced you, letting go of your hand. "I'll guide you... if you let me, [Y/N]."

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