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{cannibal!jimin x reader}
{genre: horror/warning: does contain a little gore}
{Words: 774}

"Jimin, please baby. Please stop this." You whisper because the yelling doesn't seem to move him. He makes his way around your chair, his eyes scrutinizing every little crevice of your body. Your exposed body is cut into by the rope that can only sting more as the hours go by. You can feel the rough fibers burning into your skin. It's then that he stops and holds the knife up to your eyes, to show you your own terror filled gaze.
"You're simply stunning this way, my love." His right hand moves down your face, down your chin to your neck and then in between your chest to your bellybutton. He has fascination in his eyes as if he has never touched you this way before. Each digit leaves goosebumps against your cold, bare skin. The knife he is holding in his other hand gently comes to the top of your chest pressing as you hold your breath with eyes wide shut. The tears break through and roll down your cheeks slowly. You don't want him to see you weak right now, but once you start, you can't stop. He is going to break skin. He is going to shred me to pieces.
"If only you could see how appetizing you look. Will you open your eyes now? "He whispers. When you don't obey you feel him lean in closer and kiss you gently. You feel his body blocking the shaky light bulb hanging on the thin wire. His shadow lies upon your face.No matter how hard you try to seal them, you can still taste the irony liquid he leaves on your lips
"Look at me. Are you sure you love me as much as you say you do?" You finally obey and he starts to laugh. Not the soft laugh that you knew could light up your world on a gloomy day, but a more sinister chuckle. All it does now is make the hairs on the back of your neck raise. When you finally open up your eyes, you fully take him in. Jimin looks like a fallen angel. There is something dark in his eyes, something you have never seen in them before as his pupils dilate. His blonde hair is still swept up, matted with streaks of crimson and his lips are more plump and pinker than usual. There is dried blood on his white muscle shirt, around his mouth, and in the inside of his nails, crusted up. It stands out against his creamy skin. In that moment you know for sure that all the vibrancy and all the hues of red will follow you forever, haunt you in your dreams
"I do Jimin, I still love you. Please, will you let me go? "
"I can't. Not now. Not when you screwed him while my back was turned." His statement makes you look to the corner of the old creaky shed, where Jungkook sits unconscious with his head hunched over. You can see the constellations of wounds on the naked upper half of his body. There's a wound that goes deep near his ribs that continues to leak down to his hips. Then, there's the cutout of pink flesh under the skin of his lower stomach that makes you queasy. Scratches and cuts bring dots of blood to the surface near his heart. He doesn't have much time left. You can only cry for him on the inside now. It's all your fault.
You realize you have to get him out of here someway and you won't do that by shrinking down. Instead, you decide to sit up straighter and look at Jimin with the coldest stare you can muster. His boots thump on the concrete floor as he makes his way around the counter where all of his metal toys lay, sterile and waiting. He makes eye contact with you as he continues to kitten lick the dirty blade, mischief running wild in those dark orbs. When before it was an intriguing puzzle trying to figure out what he was thinking, it is now a labyrinth of horrors.
"That's not true, Jimin. I loved you too much to ever do that. I was many things but I was never a cheater." You manage to say without a break in your voice this time.
"It is true. And now you'll see him pay for your dishonesty. Tell me Y/n, what part I should eat next? Or maybe it should be you first." Those last words make you dizzy. Oh hell no.

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