Morning bj

837 7 11

{Yoongi x Reader}
{Words: 643}
You were clearly a risk taker, knowing well enough that disturbing your boyfriends sleep was the last thing anyone, including you, would want to do. Though being together for almost two years now, he wasn't as scary as he pretended to come across after time. As you saw how calm he looked, sleeping like a baby, you smiled to yourself. Will he kill you right then and there? Or will he let you finish him off, and then kill you? You shook your head and laughed at your own thoughts, though it still didn't bother you. You were rewarding him for no reason therefore, if he got angry, that was the last time you ever helped him out when he was needy.
Slowly pulling the covers down, you took in his sleeping form. Laid out on his back, he wore a black, loose shirt and a pair of deep red, cotton boxer shorts. His black hair was a mess from rustling in his sleep, which caused a little giggle to leave your mouth as you shifted between his legs, trying not to touch him anymore than you had too in case he decided to wake up. You studied his face closely as you slowly brought your face in front of his crotch. Making out where the tip of his cock was, you softly kissed it over the fabric, lingering your hot breath along his lightly clothed shaft. You took one hand, lightly dragging your fingernails up the inside of his thigh, quickly looking back up at his face when you heard him breathe in deeply. Still sound asleep. You smiled to yourself as you began to rub him slowly, feeling him harden under your touch. He started to stir a little, though that didn't make you stop. A few seconds passed and he settled down, still asleep but, the more you ran your hand over him, small little grunts were coming deep from his chest. You decided you'd teased enough, hooking your fingers in the front of his boxers and pulling them down as far as you could. Taking hold of his cock gently, you brought your lips to the tip, still looking up and watching for a reaction. You noticed his fingers twitch a little and took that as a sign. Before he had a chance to wake up and catch you staring up at him, you took him in your mouth, slowly swirling your tongue around his tip, then guiding him down your throat. Taking as much of him as you could, you felt his fingers tangle through your hair and with a loud grunt, he thrust himself harder into your mouth, causing you to choke. You pulled away coughing a little, as you straightened up to look at him. When your eyes met with his, a smirk came across his face as he propped himself up on his elbows.
"Don't just look at me like that baby. Finish what you started."
He whispered harshly. As you moved back down and took hold of his cock, you started placing small kisses all over him again. Your eyes never leaving his. That didn't even last 5 seconds before he grabbed onto your hair again, giving you a stern but almost fucked out look.
You couldn't help but moan his name. He looked so good right now it was driving you crazy. He cocked his head to the side, still looking down at you.
"You know what?"
You said giggling up at him cutely.
"I really want to fast forward a few minutes in time and see my cum all over your face. So you need to stop playing around and give me something worth waking up for."
You giggled at his bluntness. One of the many things you loved about him.
"Mmm ok baby."

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