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{Jungkook x Reader}
{Words: 1218}
{angst, fluff??}
It would be an understatement of the century to say you'd changed.
Some had noticed, including you, how those circles under your eyes grew darker each day. How your smile was plastered on like a requirement, no emotions at the root of it. How you kept to yourself in university classes, even though you knew every answer.
You weren't... you.
But nobody knew the reason was just three words that had left the lips of the most beautiful person you'd seen. Nobody knew that this intense reign of sadness on your life was because of a breathtaking pair of chestnut-colored eyes, with lighthearted flakes of copper within them. Nobody knew that this was because of the one person you'd loved since you knew what love meant.
Jeon Jungkook.
It was that bright, bunny-like grin he'd sent you that day. Those round eyes that brightened at the sight of someone behind you. That voice you'd never grow tired of as that phrase left his mouth.
'She said yes!'
You'd changed, and it was all his fault.

You had tried to avoid him since he'd brought you the grand news of his new relationship four months ago, doing anything in your power to stay away.
Scrolling past every post from him or his girlfriend as fast as possible, dismissing your need for coffee if they were at the cafe, practically anything to keep yourself distant. You'd even changed your number to avoid texts.
But, how far could you run away from someone in a college campus. You were bound to run into him, and you did.
It was the end of the last day of your exams, and it was safe to say you felt a little confidence in the results. After 'the incident' you'd confined yourself enough to feel satisfied with the intense amount of reading you'd done. The stress never truly ended, since, even though your were content with the fact that studying was on hold, you just weren't happy anymore.
In hopes to cheer yourself up a bit, you threw on a coat for the December weather, and went to the cafe. Fatigue slightly dulling your thoughts, it slipped past your mind that they might be there. Sighing in relief at the warm, Korean-Christmas-like atmosphere, you trudged into the line of students at the counter.
It all reminded you of your first holiday here, when an argument with your parents angered you to the extent of not visiting home. Jungkook had taken it upon himself to make sure you weren't lonely by staying at the college with you. You spent the first evening here, in this cafe, and laughed while taking turns on your old Nintendo DS. It was painful to think of him, but it's all you did anyway.
God, you were hearing his voice now–
You turned around in an instant, the tiredness flooded out of you rapidly. Your lips were stuck in an 'o' in surprise.
Jungkook was waltzing up to you faster than you could process, pulling down the beanie on his dark hair and shoving his hands in his pockets. He still looked the same, with his doe eyes and bunny teeth. He still looked the same. But instead of the surge of sadness that dominated you due to his presence, a strange anger began to stir.
"I haven't seen you in so long, what's up?" Jungkook inquired happily before you could sneak away. "I was just here to pick up some pastries for So-yeon!"
"Ah, So-yeon," You replied, trying your best to cover up the bitter sound of her name. Keep your answers short and simple, you reminded yourself. He had a girlfriend now, so you had to stay the way you've been lately. "I was just here to get some coffee."
His eyes gazed into yours, and you swore you could see a glint of confusion for a split second. You shuffled backwards so you didn't hold up the line, and bit your cheek in the awkward mood. But Jungkook was busy staring at his phone, eyes lighting up as a new message seemed to roll in.
Scoffing to yourself, you nearly turned around as he piped up again.
"You really should meet Yeon-ie, she's almost exactly like you. The amazing cooking, smarts, humor–I'm surprised you're not best friends!"
Nodding along to him gushing about his girlfriend, you felt all the emotions you'd trapped away boiling up. Attempting to keep your cool, you could taste the faint, metallic flavor of blood in your cheek. And all of a sudden, the wall you'd built around this feeling went crashing away.
"I was trying not to think about her, but of course you'd bring her up," You snapped, nails digging into your palms as you stepped out of the group of waiting people. In the back of your mind, you knew you had to get out of there, since it wouldn't be too long before you said something you'd regret.
But Jungkook was already following you out into the cold, harsh wind outside with no intention of letting you out of his sight. You felt each hair whip your face roughly as you trekked through the horrible weather, not caring about being sick the next day. When Jeon Jungkook was curious about something, he wasn't going to let you go, and you knew it.
A twig came under your foot, and you came tumbling down. Right as you were bracing yourself for the impact, an arm caught you just in time and pulled you up. It whirled you around, grasping your shoulder before you could move again.
"Y/N," Jungkook murmured softly, his lips slightly parted as puffs of air drifted from them. "Why are you so different now? You've been this way ever..ever since.."
You looked to your feet, feeling the tears already prick your eyes. A silence grew between the two of you, apart from the weather outside of the tree shielding you, his hand falling off your shoulder.
"What are you hiding from me, Y/N?" He asked in the most serious tone you'd ever heard him speak in. "What's wrong?"
"Everything! Everything is wrong, Jungkook!" You sobbed, tears beginning to flow down your cheeks, each one triggering the next.
Jungkook stared at you, dumbfounded. Questions ran through his mind rapidly, and he went to pull you in for a hug. You stepped back, shaking your head and making his heart ache.
"You chose her, and it's never made sense! W-When you came home and called me because you were crying about something, I was the one who'd r-run to you and make sure you're okay. I'd do your homework for you on days you wouldn't have energy after band p-practice. I'd stay on the phone and calm you down when your parents fought all night. I gave my everything to you, and you made it feel like it was worth I was nothing."
You took a shaky breath, not bothering to have your ashamed gaze meet his. The last words you hoped you'd say to Jeon Jungkook left your trembling lips.
"I'm hopelessly in love with you, and I hate you for it."

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