In Motion

594 3 11

{Fluff & some heavy smut}
{Words: 2900}
Hoseok finally plopped onto one of the window seats, at the very end of the train, breathing in and out rapidly after having run like a lunatic upon seeing the train almost leave. He let out a breathy laugh and threw his head back, closing his eyes and trying to even out his breathing and calm his heaving chest down. When he finally opened them again, he took a look around and frowned: he was literally the only one in the carriage. It's true that this was, in fact, a night route, but he's made this journey countless times (job requirement) and he's never had a whole carriage to himself.

But that could be a good thing, right? He shrugged and looked out the window, popping his earbuds in and playing some music to pass the time easier. A few moments later, the train reached its next stop and Hoseok playfully hit his own cheek a few times in an attempt to usher the sleepiness away. A sudden movement right beside him made him jump a little and squeal, clutching one of his wrists and bringing it flushed to his chest, almost dramatically. Thankfully, when he looked up, he was only met by a pair of warm looking eyes and a smirk of pure amusement. The guy standing next to him was genuinely one of the prettiest creatures Hoseok's ever seen in real life: his skin was slightly tanned and glistening with beads of sweat, his nose centred his face perfectly and his brown hair was messily styled. Never mind the plush lips.

Then, Hoseok instantly realized three things simultaneously: 1) he had been staring; 2) his mouth was open; 3) the stranger was talking to him.

He quickly scrambled to take his earbuds out and looked up at the stranger once again, bowing his head down in apology for being disrespectful, but the other only smiled.

"I was apologizing for startling you and asking whether this seat was taken" Mr. Plush Lips said, pointing to the seat right next to Hoseok.

Hoseok fought the urge to frown, his glance quickly sweeping the rest of the carriage and taking in the fact that all other seats were still perfectly empty, yet this man was insisting that he sat right next to him. Who even does that?

"N-no, uhm, it's not taken, you're welcome to sit" he mumbled and cursed a little internally when his voice broke at some point. If the stranger noticed, he certainly didn't let it show as he slipped into the seat, groaning as his ass landed on the way-too uncomfortable chair for the price they'd paid. When Hoseok finally gathered up the courage to steal a glance, he regretted instantly: Mr. Gorgeous Lips was already looking at him. He winked at Hoseok before directing his attention to a book that somehow materialized into his huge hands and the latter skillfully managed to repress an embarrassing whimper from leaving is throat. Only now was he realizing the size of the stranger: it wasn't just his hands that were big, his whole figure seemed to be built for some sort of sport because damn, he was at least 10cm taller than Hoseok.

The smaller of the two felt sudden heat engulf the entire back of his neck and he shuddered when the other spread his legs to the point where their thighs were touching. Normally, he would hate the so-called "manspread", but in this particular situation, he was rather confused as to why he enjoyed it so much. What the fuck was he thinking? And why the fuck did it suddenly feel so hot? Mr. Pretty Lips shifted slightly in his seat and brought a finger to his mouth, slowly swiping it over his wet tongue before turning a page and dutifully resuming his reading. Fuck, it was hot, fuck! Hoseok shifted his gaze out the window and closed his eyes. He was too tired for this shit. But even though he could no longer see the guy, Hoseok still felt his presence, not necessarily just because their thighs were still touching, but also because there was a strange scent he emanated, a combination between barely recognizable natural musk and a sweet perfume that Hoseok deemed familiar for some reason. He couldn't help but wish for that scent to be the thing that lulls him to sleep every night. He groaned internally at his cheesiness and shook his head. It was becoming pretty clear that he was in huge need to get laid if he started fantasizing about fucking some guy he'd only met for the first time less than ten minutes ago. He was going to close his eyes and try to go to sleep when a loud noise reached his ears (despite him wearing earphones) and the very next second the lights went out. Hoseok screamed in surprise, taking the earphones out and his hand starting to search for something, anything. Suddenly, warmth engulfed his whole hand and he screamed once again, his mind blank of any coherent thoughts.

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