Why are you naked in my bed?

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{fem!Reader x Yoongi}
{words: 1,062}

Tired legs dragged you back to your shitty apartment after a night out with your best friend and roommate Yoongi, he'd somehow managed to convince you to go out and celebrate your birthday despite the fact you had work very early tomorrow. But here you were, stumbling back home at almost 3AM with a pizza box in one hand, and cellphone in the other.
"I can't believe they didn't have any taxis." You complained, voice stained with wine and other boozy substances.
"It's okay we're nearly home now." Yoongi chuckled, throwing his arm round your figure before planting a small kiss on your temple.
"Happy birthday Y/N."
"Thank you!" You shouted too loud for his liking, earning him to drunkenly cover your open mouth with a cold shaky hand.
"Shhhhh." He giggled, the two of you standing still and trying to suppress your smiles in the middle of a dark, empty road.
Pulling his hand away from your face slowly he smiled, his gaze flickering to your lips and settling there for a moment too long to be considered an accident. Soon his eyes found yours, a bright smile creasing his cheeks as he took the pizza box from your hand.
"How about we get the birthday girl home before we eat this?" His voice was low and smelled like a cocktail of alcohol and cigarettes.
"Who said I was sharing?" You teased before pulling away from his underarm and heading home.
You met Yoongi in your first year of college, he was assigned as your lab partner and after you discovered you shared the same taste in music, films and witty sarcasm you soon became best friends. Two years later you shared everything with him; your secrets, your apartment, your life. Family members and friends would joke that you were destined to be together, claiming that they 'just knew' the two of you would eventually cave and get married.
The walk home was short and quiet, your full bladder prompting you to move faster than your counterpart expected; resulting in Yoongi jogging behind you to keep up. As soon as you stepped foot into your apartment you rushed to the bathroom, the alcohol in your blood making you almost, and quite literally, piss your pants.
"Feeling better?" Yoongi joked as you sat beside him on the sofa, immediately cuddling up to his warm body as you always did.
"Where's the pizza?" You hummed against his shoulder. Out of all your friends you were the one who always ate the most when intoxicated, but as you always said - at least you didn't cry or lash out at anybody.
Stretching his free arm out he picked up the pizza box from the floor and placed it on his knee, opening it up until the incredible smell filled your senses. Without thinking you took a slice and fed it to your best friend who gladly obliged, taking the topped bread between his teeth in a big bite.
"Shit that's good." Yoongi chuckled with a full mouth and you nodded in approval, having just had a bite yourself.
"Best pizza ever."
You continued to eat together on the sofa until there was no more left; picking up the rubbish and taking it into the kitchen ready to go in the trash tomorrow morning. As you turned on your heel you banged into Yoongi, not realising he was stood right behind you.
"Fucking hell you scared the shit out of me." You exhaled, punching him on the arm with a laugh.
"Did I?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Sorry princess."
"Princess?" You almost shouted in confusion, he'd never called you that before... Normally he would call you bitch or bro, sometimes Y/N-cakes if he wanted something, but never princess.
"You're the birthday princess." He nodded, his eyes drunk as he intwined his slender fingers with yours; dragging you to the bathroom.
"Take your makeup off before you forget." He ordered before heading down the hall.
As much as you hated how bossy he could be at times, you knew he was right. The only time you'd ever fallen asleep with your makeup on you complained for six weeks that your skin had felt like shit. The fact you were supposed to be at work in a few hours made you groan as you wiped your face, steadying yourself on the counter.
"Goodnight!" You shouted through Yoongi's door but there was no response, he was probably already asleep.
Swinging your bedroom door open you almost died with embarrassment, you could feel your cheeks burning red as you eyes skimmed the figure on your bed; in all of it's glory.
Yoongi laid in your bed, the sheets pulled over and only covering his intimate parts, his somewhat toned naked torso on full display as he rested his hands behind his head.
"Why are you naked in my bed?" You whispered, not trusting your shaky voice to speak louder.
"I was thinking about what your friend said the other day about us getting married... But we need to see if we're good together before I buy a ring." He stated nonchalantly with a shrug, causing your heart to hammer against your chest and palms to grow sweaty immediately.
"What makes you think I would marry you?" You folded your arms over your chest, trying your god damn hardest to contain the giant smile threatening to crack your cheeks.
"We get along, you don't annoy me all the time... You make good grilled cheeses, my family already love you. And you haven't told me to get the fuck out yet."
"Yet." You reminded him, unable to keep a chuckle from escaping your throat.
"Consider it another birthday present! What do you say... Do you want to fuck or not? Maybe one day we'll get married and it'll be all because of your birthday night out and pizza." Yoongi winked, his toothy grin contagious as you found yourself unable to stop smiling.
"Why are you so confident this will work? What if it doesn't and we end up hating each other?" You shook your head and laughed, finally stepping over the threshold of your bedroom.
"I have every right to be confident! Tonight is the first night of many, I know that one day you'll be my wife."
Spoiler: he was right.

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