High Flyers

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{Min Yoongi x Reader}
{Words: 731}

It was no secret to anyone who knew you that you were afraid of flying on a plane. Not to say you had a fear of heights. You felt completely fine when you were on the highest level of the office building you worked at. On your carnival date with Yoongi, you both rode every thrill ride possible ending off the date with a Ferris Wheel ride where you and Yoongi were able to silently appreciate the beautiful view that lay before your eyes. For some reason, none of these ever had an effect on you like going on an airplane.
||Three Years Ago||
Just the mere thought of traveling by plane made your chest feel tight and your breathing shallow. You avoided planes at all costs. Opting to other means of transport instead of a flying death trap.
Life had a funny way of working though as fate would have it. You met the popular boy group member on board of a plane.
Your company had an important client in Japan with whom they were going to meet with in two days, and they needed a replacement translator on short notice seeing as Hyejin, one of the company's translators, had an accident and was deemed unable to attend the meeting.
As your luck would also have it, the two other translators able to speak fluent Japanese were either on maternity leave or on their honeymoon. That would leave you. The only other person in your company known to be able to speak fluent Japanese.
Seeing as you were the only person who met the requirements, your boss demanded you to be on the next available flight out.
You still remember the anxiety you felt as you boarded the plane. You were already on edge when you suddenly felt a force that had you stumbling back a couple of steps.
"Can you maybe watch where you're going?" A male voice harshly spoke. You quickly regained your balance and you focused on the heavenly man that stood right in front of you.
You could honestly say that he was one of the most beautiful people that you ever had the luxury of meeting in reality and not just through your television or phone screen. You pushed back the awe you felt to grasp the situation at hand. Which led to you feeling slight angered at the fact that this fine specimen placed the blame of bumping into each other solely on you.
"Um, excuse me, but I don't think that you should be the one telling me to watch where I'm going when clearly you bumped into me." You retorted as you looked up to him.
He gave you a double take as he looked slightly stunned that you decided to talk back to him.
Before he could respond, you took the opportunity to find your seat. You placed your messily packed bag into the luggage compartment and buckled yourself in.
After the effects of the encounter wore off, you suddenly remembered your surroundings and your pulse, as a result, slowly but surely rose as you realized the plane would be taking off shortly. Thankfully, you weren't seated right by the window. Instead you were placed at the front of the middle aisle where no window was apparent.
Before take off, you looked in confusion as a flight attendant approached you with a look that seemed to be apologetic and... envious?
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Miss/Mr, but would it be possible for you to switch seats with a passenger that may need medical attention if a situation were to occur?" She asked in a sweet, cheerful voice.
You immediately agreed since you didn't want to be the reason for something happening that wasn't immediately dealt with.
You relocated to your newly assigned seat and felt a slight shock when you realized you would be sitting next to the handsome man from earlier. Even worse, you were placed right next to the window where you would get the best possible view of the outside of the plane.
As you approached him, he looked up and a sign of recognition quickly flashed through his eyes. Right before he looked back down at whatever he was looking at on his phone and ignoring your presence.
You then cleared your throat as you stood in front of him.

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