Honey Thighs

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{Namjoon x reader}
{words: 546}
{happy birthday joonie!}

"You know you don't have to do it that way." Namjoon spoke, stirring the whipped topping as you cut up the strawberries, you weren't letting him near this knife.
"What way?" You furrowed your brows.
"The strawberries, you can cut them more on-" You knew he was just trying to be helpful so you had to smile at his attempt.
"Baby, this is the way you're supposed to do it." You showed him the strawberry you were in the process of cutting and he tilted his head a bit.
"Okay, but I still think there's a better way to do..." He trailed off, swipping a bit of the cream on his pinkie and tasting it. You two decided to make a cake for his parents anniversary and the longer it took the less whipped cream was gonna be left.
"Let's remember who's the chef in this relationship." You glanced at him, seeing him giggle at the statement, he knew all too well that it was you. "And stop eating all the cream, we won't have any left if you keep doing that." You stopped his finger from taking yet another taste.
"I can't help it baby, it's good...Here taste." He brought his finger to your lips and you grimaced.
"Thank you but I'm good." You were washing your hands as he was about to do the same.
"Oh come on, what's up with you? You haven't tasted anything, you haven't even eaten today." You figured he'd catch on.
"Nothing, I just don't want any..." You reached for your tall water bottle and he got what was going on.
"Put it down. Now." He grabbed your waist, knowing every limb on your body went weak when he did that.
"What the heck Namjoon?" You turned around, frowning at him.
"All you've been drinking is that nasty detox water, are you trying to loose weight?...Because I like you healthy, and you're the perfect size for me." His hands still on your waist as you looked away bashfully. "Look at me. If you're on a diet, make sure it's healthiest for you. You eat better than me so I don't know what makes you think you need to skip meals."
"My weight has been fluctuating lately and I'm trying to stay under-"
"Open." His finger, coated with whip cream was right in front of your lips.
"Namjoon, I'm not eating that." You were serious about that until you got a whiff of it. The mixture of sweet cream and vanilla, resistance was futile. When you open your mouth to say something he playful pushed his finger in your mouth, you were lowkey glad he did.
"Joon!" You pushed him back, whip cream now on your jaw and dripping down to your neck. "What was that for?" You tried to grab a cloth to clean the whip cream down but he made a sound of disapproval. He turned you around to press you against the counter. "Namjoon!-"
"I'll clean it up..." He gently kissed and licked to cream off of your skin and laughed at himself a little. His hands traveled lower on your waist and he sighed—you were so stubborn. "I love your honey thighs baby, don't change them, okay?"

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