Morning, Hyung

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Beep beep.
Beep beep.
Beep beep.
With a groan, Jimin flicked open his sleepy eyes. He was greeted with the sight of a face quite near his own. A face he had memorized on many occasions like this one. He had come to love the pink lips, the milky complexion, and the eyelids that fluttered ever so slightly while under sleep's influence. He reached out to caress the soft cheek, but was stopped halfway by the groggy voice of the figure in front of him.
"Turn it off." Yoongi growled without opening his eyes.
There he is, my grumpy, adorable hyung. With a small smile, Jimin mustered his strength and rolled over to stop the incessant ringing of the alarm clock. He leaned back on the bed for just a moment while he stretched and yawned. Quietly and softly, he felt an arm wrap around his waist and pull him against the chest of the older boy.
Oh no, not this shit again.
"Hyungie, it's time to get up." No response. Typical.
"Yoongi-hyung. We have schedules today," Jimin tried in his sweetest coercive voice.
"Stay." was the just-barely taller boy's only reply.
Jimin rolled his chocolate eyes and threw the covers off himself. He attempted to climb out of bed but the arm around locked around him prevented any movement. The more he struggled the tighter the older boy's grip became. It was an all out struggle now, Jimin grunting, wriggling, and blushing like mad, Yoongi stubbornly holding on while trying not to chuckle because, damn this boy is cute.
"Yah! Cool it, kid."
But Jimin had no intention of letting him win. Not this time, at least. "Hyung, there's is nothing in this world that you could say or do to get my to stay h-"
Jimin's body tensed, but he had stopped struggling. Had he heard that right? Yoongi detested pet names, labels, or any other form of verbal demonstrations of affection. When he spoke after collecting his thoughts, it was in a whisper.
"W-what did you call me?"
"Jagi, come back to bed." Yoongi purred. In his shocked-yet-blissful state, Jimin let himself be pulled toward him. Truthfully, he couldn't have fought back even if he wanted to.
Almost unconsciously, he realized Yoongi got his way. Again. But with his hyung's face nuzzled into his neck and the feeling of the rise and fall of his chest against his back, Jimin couldn't really make himself feel that he lost.

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