Kiss me

459 10 3

{Jimin x reader}
{words: 548}
{dt: imbandtrash ily alot}

"Wake up, Jimin," you urged, shaking him a little in an attempt to wake him. You yourself had just woken up so you were still a bit half asleep. It was a day off for the both of you so you didn't wanted to waste the rare day.
Jimin groaned, not wanting to wake up as he pulled the blankets closer to his chest. You knew he was tired but you felt a little selfish so you decided to still wake him. "Wake up sleepyhead," you cooed. "The sun's up and I'm up so it's your turn." He didn't answered, eyes still closed shut. You sighed with a pout, then decided to climb on top of him. A giggle suppressed you as you went under the blankets to climb on top of Jimin's broad chest.
Once you were on, you adjusted the blanket just below your neck so that you could see Jimin's face. His eyes kept closed despite knowing you were on him. The two of you were so close, you could count the tiny hairs to his eyebrows.
Then you leaned up to give him a quick kiss right on the lips. "Wake up Chim. I don't want to stay awake in bed, bored because you won't wake up," you urged again. "Come on," you gave him another kiss.
This time, you could see the corner of his mouth curling up a bit, making you smile. "I know you're awake, babe~" you giggled, leaning up to kiss him on the nose this time.
"Kiss me." Were the first words to escape Jimin's mouth that morning.
"I already did."
"Kiss me again."
You found yourself chuckling at his cuteness so you leaned up to kiss him on the lips again. Only this time, Jimin held you close so the kiss wouldn't break right away. He brought you back down so that you were now laying on your back while he was now on top, lips never pulling apart. It was a sweet and gentle kiss that melted your heart, until it got a bit playful when you couldn't help but laugh into the kiss.
"Jimin, now you're tickling me," you laughed.
"It's your fault for waking me up so early," he countered.
You made a face. "It's not even that early. I just didn't wanted to waste this rare day by laying in bed all day."
"What's wrong with that?" Your boyfriend asked as he got off you to lay back down on his side of the bed.
"You're borringgg," you told him with a frown.
"And you're so beautiful," he cooed before laughing at the flustered face you made. "Smooth, right?" Jimin praised with a smug look on his face. You scoffed, hitting him right on the chest. But once you did that, Jimin playfully placed his hands over his chest where you had hit him, acting as if it had hurt. "Damn baby, when'd you get so strong?"
"I don't like you," you sighed while rolling your eyes.
"Yes you do, you love~ me," Jimin joked as he leaned closer to you, flirting as he went in for a kiss. You giggled at his usually flirty side before accepting the sweet kiss that would start off both your mornings.

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