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pattycake: what do you mean we're not allowed to use wikipedia

pattycake: it's reliable

pattycake: it's where my weekly source of 'why tumblr is on crack'

pattycake: because the people who edit it is obviously on crack 

pepe: who's telling you that wiki isn't reliable

pattycake: the history teacher

pattycake: like where else am i supposed to get the information from

pattycake: google images?

pepe: well there was this one time

pepe: i think it was in sixth or seventh grade

pepe: and our history teacher messed up wiki and then half the class wrote about how hitler had a pet duck that he used to use as a way to send secret love messages to stalin 

pattycake: so wiki does their job better than they do

pepe: yes


fronk: calm down woAH

fronk: but that's pretty hilarious i must say

geewhiz: patrick should i ask now

pattycake: you can but only if you're comfortable

pepe: ??

fronk: ???

geewhiz: here or pm

pattycake: wherever. no one here is gonna judge you so only do what you're comfortable with 

pepe: they know something that we don't 

fronk: i know

geewhiz: idK 

pattycake: i'm not forcing you

pattycake: but it's best to get things out before you explode or something and then it'll just get harder on yourself because you make it more and more into a secret.

pepe: i'm so confused

fronk: i thought you trusted me with these things gee?

fronk: am i really not that trustworthy?

fronk: i've told you everything that i want to keep a secret

fronk: but you're happy to just tell someone else (ily though patrick, i just thought gee trusted me)

pattycake: it's not like that, frank.

fronk: well it obviously is

fronk: gee's feeling bad about something and she generally tells me these things. i want to help her but i can't do that

geewhiz: frankie, i don't need help and i'm not feeling down. i just don't know how to phrase things and patrick is telling me how

fronk: but you explained how you are feeling to him well enough for him to understand 

fronk: so what makes you think that i can't understand

pepe: frank, trust them

fronk: how can i do that if gee can't even trust me

geewhiz: if you were actually paying attention to the conversation, you'd realise that i want to tell you

fronk: ...

fronk: okay so tell me

geewhiz: okay so i uh

geewhiz: patrick i can't do it

pattycake: don't force yourself,,,

geewhiz: i have to or he won't understand that i do trust him more than anyone (sorry guys)

fronk: would pm help

geewhiz: i guess but can patrick join

fronk: if it makes you feel better i guess

pepe: All bY mYsElF 

pattycake: shh Pete


geewhiz: so, uhm. none of this is because i don't trust you - because i  do. it's just really hard for me to say this because i'm scared. my hands are shaking and this is probably one of the hardest things i'm going to do - besides coming out to my parents. actually, screw that. this is the scariest thing i've done. i don't want to loose a friendship over me being really stupid. look frank. i really like you. more than just a friend. and i know that you probably don't feel the same way - and you brush all the teasing that our friends give us as a joke. but to me - it's more of a dream. something that i wish would happen. and i guess what i'm really trying to say is... can we try this? can we try a relationship? because i really, really like you. and this isn't just some 'experiment' with the way i feel towards different genders. i know people do it a lot, and that's perfectly fine. but actually mean it. you're amazing, and funny and you've basically looked after me ever since we met. we've been friends for such a long time that i'm afraid that a short note is going to ruin everything. i don't want it to be like that. sure, if you say no, i'll be upset - really upset. but i only want to be with you if you feel the same way. i don't want to force you into something that you're only doing so you don't make people upset. that's not what this is about. i still want to be friends though, like it was before i typed this message. because i don't know if i can live without your support or the amount you care for me. because i'm weak. and i need you. you're my picket fence. you're the one that keeps me alive. pretty much. 

fronk: look gee. i understand why that was so much for you. i've been thinking about how to say all that to you for a while now. i do feel the same way. and i'm sorry for saying what i did earlier, i was just scared that you'd worked out how i felt about you, and you wanted to keep your distance. so, yes. i will try out this relationship. movie, next friday, okay? 

geewhiz: thank god. i thought i was gonna lose you then.  and sure, Friday sounds good :)

fronk: :)

pattycake: as i said, no need for me here

pattycake left the chat

fronk: whoops, almost forgot that he was here, I feel bad now. 

geewhiz: ha it's okay

is this what you all wanted 

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