
575 29 10

ryro: guys

ryro: i just realised something

ryro: i missed so much school

ryro: lmao bye any hope of a decent career

breadbin: i photocopied my notes for you

breadbin: just stick it in your folder

breadbin: then you can just use it for tests and stuff

breadbin: the only thing that isn't mine are the tests

yelyah: they're mine

yelyah: bc i'm smarter than the rest of you :)

yelyah: i'm joking

yelyah: i just revised unlike the rest of you

halsey: you're not wrong

dadlon: i have to go home in two days

dadlon: i'm sad :(

breadbin: what no

ryro: party round spencers

spence: oh okay

spence: my parents don't care

spence: we're only allowed one can of beer each sorry guys

ryro: i won't be having any

awsten loves lettuce: neither will i

otter: same here

barnacle boy: am i invited

ryro: you're going home tomorrow of course you are

spence: also please don't bring weed brownies

breadbin: no promises

spence: for fuck's sake

halsey: i live in the middle of everyone, so i'll do multiple trips to pick all of us up

halsey: except the people who can walk

halsey: bc the petrol is money

breadslice: fair

time skip to after the "party" bc i suck at writing scenes like that

spence: bren had one can of beer and he's fucking wasted

halsey: weak bitch

spence: says you

spence: you're just as drunk

halsey: i had four cans

spence: oh

breadslice: 4

breadslice: i had five

ryro: he can't type

ryro: literally autocorrect is doing it for him

breadslice: yeet

ryro: does anyone have any photos or videos of anything that happened

ryro: bc i'm telling you

ryro: it was so funny

awsten loves lettuce: i don't think geoff stuck to the one can either

awsten loveslettuce: it's good to know that he can still kiss me pretty well though

breadslice: did we need to know that thogh thot

awsten loves lettuce: yes

awsten loves lettuce: and don't call me a thot hoe

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