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brendon & ryan's ending


brendon woke up to the sound of ryan's voice. it was the day after graduation, the day after they'd said goodbye to all of their friends. brendon hadn't taken it well - it was difficult for him to say goodbye to some of the people he'd known and grown to love for the best part of five years (almost ten, in pete and ashely's case). but, the time had come for them to end whatever shitshow school had been, and start living like adults. they'd all got into the universities they'd wanted to go to, but obviously, everyone was spread across the country. it would be near impossible to see them again. and he knew that the promise of keeping the group chat alive was never going to last - they never did.

but he had experienced some of the best years of his life with these people, so he'd never forget them - even if he stopped talking to some of them. the memories they'd all shared together were special, and brendon still had the chipboards of photos of them all. he couldn't and wouldn't forget every time they'd been there for him. 

brendon had made that group chat three years ago, and he didn't regret it one bit.

at least brendon had ryan to keep him sane. brendon was determined to spend the rest of his life with ryan - he'd been the best boyfriend. and yes, they'd been through a lot - a few arguments here and there, ryan in the hospital - but ultimately, brendon loved him, and he was never going to stop loving him. and he hoped ryan felt the same.

this was the first time that brendon had woken up next to ryan in a while - exams had left them both exhausted, and they'd just not had a lot of time to see each other - and brendon knew he'd never get tired of it. they were going to the same university (yes, they'd planned that), although they were studying different majors. but it was okay, because they'd managed to get a room together, and even if their timetables clashed - and they never saw each other during the day - they would be able to spend their evenings together; whether it was an evening on the sofa in front of the tv, or whether they went to a party. and if he was being honest, brendon was looking forward to it.

"breakfast?" brendon offered, stretching and getting out of the bed. ryan nodded and slipped on a shirt and some joggers . brendon followed, and they left the room together. 


five years later, they were doing the same thing - just in their own apartment. as brendon suspected, the group chat had died about two years after graduation. granted, it had lasted longer than he imagined it would. but ultimately, everyone had grown up, made new friends, had different and more important responsibilities. they'd met up once or twice since the end of school, but no one had seen each other for years. it made brendon sad, but he still had ryan, and everything was okay.

they promised to text the group chat if their addresses ever changed - and surprisingly, people had kept to that. last month, mel had text, changing her address to somewhere in chicago. everyone had responded with a thumbs up, and that was the end of it. no one had come home after they finished university. everyone had got apartments with their partners - no one was married yet (they still had student loans to pay off). 

brendon and ryan told each other that they'd invite everyone to their wedding - because they would eventually have the money to do that - but that was the only plan they had to see everyone together again.

then, brendon and ryan's phones went off in unison. 

"by the way babe, it's the chat." ryan supplied the answer to the unspoken question. brendon shrugged, and turned back to making breakfast for the two of them. 

"probably an address change. who is it this time?" brendon asked.

"it's dom. and it's not actually. he's on tour."

"dom actually got the music career he wanted?"

"yeah, he wants us all to go to the la date. he's got tickets reserved for all of us if we want some. we just gotta tell him if we wanna go. should we?"

"anything to see everyone again. tell him we're both happy for him."


brendon brought the food to the island in their kitchen just as ryan got another notification. 

"oh my god. mr. armstrong is going." ryan laughed.

"no way."

"yes way."

"we're definitely going."

"dom's got our tickets reserved, darling."


a/n - aye okay so yes, we're nearing the end.

also, my gcses got cancelled (thanks boris, i wasted over a year of my life revising), so i will be updating more regularly (hopefully - don't hold me to that).

how have you all been?

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