chapter 4

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           Georges pov

I lay there,next to ringo,thinking about what happend.I couldn't get to sleep no matter how hard I tried,all I could see were those memorizing blue eyes.Ringo had a firm grip around my waist and it felt...normal.I remember the way he looked at me yesterday night when I was dancing with that bird.He seemed pretty jealous if you asked me.

I looked at the time and realized that it was 8:30 in the morning...Fuck we've got.half an hour until practice.

I quickly stood up and shoved Ringo causing him to land on the cold floor with a thud. "what was that for you wanker?" he shouted.

I stood there laughing a bit.before clearing my throat.

"we've got half an hour until practice so get your lazy Ass up" I walked out the room and went into the bathroom,fixing my hair and brushing my teeth,when I felt a hand go on my shoulder.

"thanks for staying geo" Ringo said to me,smiling like a bafoon.I smiled a week smile before replying " 'ts alright mate"

I looked at the time again.8:50..shit.pulling ringo by his soft brown hair,we quickly ran out towards the car.

every now and then I would catch ringo looking at me and my heart would go wild,I swear if you looked closely you could see it beating...wait what am I thinking.

"i ain't no queer" I whisperd to my self.But unfortunately Ringo heard.

"what was that George?"


"your lying"

"oh lay of ringo"

I gripped the straying wheel harder than needed,my knuckles turning white.stop having queer thoughts about ringo.but how can i?! his beautiful blue eyes,his oddly shaped but cute nose,his plummed lips...I'm doing it again.

we arrived at the studio and parked the car.I let out a sigh before getting out and walking up to the doors,when I noticed ringo wasn't following,that's unusual for him.

"you coming Richie mate?" I asked.he looked deep in his thoughts so I left him to it.

      ringos POV

I sat in the car thinking about what George had said. 'i ain't no queer'.kept repeating its self over and over again and to be honest it was driving me insane.I punched the car door,that was a bad idea.I looked at my wrist noticing that it was starting to swell. "fucking brilliant"I huffed and got out the car.I walked into the studio and sat at my drums,not bothering to make eye contact with any one..not even George.

"ok every one is here let's warm up shall we?" john asked. we all said yes in unison before warming up.

'well she was just 17

you know what I mean

and the way she looks

was way beyond compar

now I couldn't dance with another

woo when I saw her standing there'

after warming up,john told us to listen up.

"now me and macca here have wrote a new song for the album" paul gave a big grin before continuing with what john was saying.

"now as we've already pretty much finished the album me and john decided to chuck one more in."

"how the hell are we gonna manage to do that! the release is in two days paul TWO DAYS!" George shouted getting all frustrated. God did he look sexy.

"aye we know mate but we can do it were the beatles remember" john said whilst tuning his guitar.

"yea well any ways me and john have decided that George shall sing it how about that"

George jumped up in excitement,looking at paul and john

"oh thank you thank you thank you" I yelled running around the room.

john being john made a 'joke' about this. "now now George play time isnt until 11 remember" paul let out a little snigger while john was laughing his ass off.

"stop being a heartless prick john and just get recording" john mimicked me and George mouthed a thank you,before we started recording.

'before this dance is through I think I love you to I'm so happy when you dance with me.

I don't wanna kiss or hold or hand if its funny try and understand.

there is really nothing else I'd rather do.I'm just happy just to dance with you.

I don't need to hug or hold you tight I just wanna dance with you alright.

in this world there's nothing I would rather do I'm happy just to dance with you....'

while recording,George looked over at me.I looked over at him and we locked eyes for a second or two before looking away.

a/n:so its a longer chapter than what I usually sorry this is soo boring but y'know why not haha.I think I got some of the lyrics wrong :s so don't kill me

love it,hate it,like it? let me know! love ya you lil Beatlemaniacs

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