chapter 7

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            johns pov:

"if I did something crazy you wouldnt hate me would you?" I asked paul feeling nervous.

Imgonna do gonna fight my fears and kiss him..that's the only way to find out if I'm really in love with him..isn't it?

"no" paul simply said still stretching like a cat.

my hands started to sweat,I was becoming really nervous.what am I saying me John Winston Lennon,the heartless bastard is never nervous,so why am I nervous around paul? oh wait I remember its because I fucking love him.I'm in love with another man.

"so what's this crazy thing you wanted to do then" paul asked a little impatient.

"well" I said running my hands through my hair.

I took my glasses of and stuffed then in my pocket.

"the thing is tho paulie the crazy thing I want to do it so crazy that I'm scared that you will hate me for it"

paul just stared before laughing.

"what's so funny" I said a bit pissed off.

"well john the funny thing is..."paul said  falling to floor with laughter.I was getting more and more pissed off by the minute.

"spit it out McCartney" I said clenching my fists but releasing them slowly.

"th...the thing is john is that we've done so much crazy shit in our lives..especially when we were teenagers that what ever you want to do will never make me hate you" he said sitting up,whipping a tear from his eye.

I sighed and sat down next to him."if only what I wanted to do was simple" I said.

"what d'you mean by that" paul said scratching his cute little nose.

"well paul I don't want our friendship to be ruined by some silly thing I wanted to do"

"john were bestfriends..bestfriends forever.I will never hate you"

I smiled at what he said.

'come on john just lean in a kiss 'im'

I thought to my self.I breathed in and out slowly before leaning lips touched his and I almost died,they were so soft.

paul froze and I knew I had ruined our friendship.I pulled away and turned around.

I looked out the corner of my eyes to see paul touching his lips,a small smile formed on his face.

"wha..what was that for." he asked me fairly quiet.

with my back still to him I answerd.

"well paulie i..your..the." I stuttered.I couldn't finish what I was saying,I was to scared.

"im what?"

"your the man I love paul!" I shouted standing up and running like a coward.

"john wait" I heard paul shout but I refused to stop.

I ran all the way back to our hotel room.

"you ok john" eppy,ringo and George all said at the same time.

"leave me alone"

I slammed the door shut.I got into bed..the bed me and paul share.

"ahh I've messed up real bad"

          Paul's pov.

"john" I shouted but I knew he couldbt hear me.

stood there,staring at the spot john had been sitting only moments ago.

I touched my lips again.the way his lips touched mine made me feel happy,I saw fireworks when he kissed me.I should of kissed back but no,me being a stupid Ass I am froze.

I saw johns glasses on the floor,they must of fallen out of his pocket.

I put then on and started walking to the hotel.

"look its paul McCartney!" a bunch of girls said.

"for Fuck sake" I said under my breath before running like mad.

I turned around to see 50 fangirls chasing me.then 100,then 200!

I saw the hotel up a head and ran as fast as my legs could take me.

I ran into the foyer and slammed the hotel doors shut.

"you alright the paul" ringo asked

"if you count as being chased by 200 young girls as being fine then I'm super" I said rolling my eyes.

"leave ringo alone" George said not looking up from.his food.

"oh Piss off George just because you fancy 'im.why don't yog two just go make out you queers" I said but imediently regretted it.

next thing I saw was ringos fist coming towards me.

I fell to the floor;blood dripping from my nose.

"dont you ever speek to George like that" ringo hissed.

"and don't you ever call us queer cos you know damn right were jot queer.if you want to loose two friends then carry on going"

he sat down next to George and smiled at him.

"sorry" I said standing up.

I headed up the stares towards mine and johns room.I turned the handle but the door wouldn't budge.

"hes locked the bloody door"I said to my self.

pulling out my spare key,I unlocked the door and walked in quietly.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.i forgot a had johns glasses on and smiled.

walking out of the bathroom after I cleaned my slef up,I walked into our room.

"john" I said walking over to the bed

"dont say it paul,I know you disgusted in Me" I said sniffling.

I stood there for a bit.

"no john no I'm not" I said sitting on the bed.

"why..why not I'm queer"

"it doesn't mean I'm disgusted in you,your me bestmate" I said smiling

"thanks paul"

"ye welcome now move up"

a/n:soo its been a while hasn't it!I'm sorry for not updating sooner,I was in Liverpool which by the way was brilliant.I took loads of pictures and there all on Facebook.I would upload them on instagram but its not letting me upload any pictures :c
any what let me know what you thought of this chapter..I'm going to do a ringo and George chapter next

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