chapter 12

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                     johns POV.

I was fuming.why would paul do this? did last night mean nothing to him!? seeing him walk off with that red headed bird made my blood boil,and the fact he didn't even give me a second glance when he said he was going made me even more angry.

well two can play that game.

                     Georges POV.

"ringo they better hurry up" I wines whilst resting my head on ringos shoulder.Paul and John had been gone for a while and I was starting go get worried.

"they'll be 'ere soon don't worry Georgie" ringo said strocking my hair,but before I could say anything else;the door swung open and in walked john

I sat up quick enough so John wouldn't see us. "oh hi john" ringo said cheerfully.John sent him a glare,something was up.

"yeah hi let's get this bloody interview over and done with and get fucking home"

he was pissed off.A few minutes later paul walked in,a big smile plasters on his face.

"ello lads"

"hi paul" me and ringo said in unison.

we looked at john who was fiddling with his fingers.Paul sat down next to me instead of john and I was starting to get worried.

"aye paulie what's up with johnny boy over there?" I whisperd.

"he must've gotten jealous when I found me a bird" he said but he didn't look to happy.

"you love 'im don't ye' " I asked him.

"what no-no no! I'm not queer" paul stated but john must've heard as he sat there chuckling to himself.

"dont lie..after the interview I'm gonna ave a word with ye"

paul looked stunned at my words but nodded.

"come on lads make your self presentable" Brian said walking in and sitting down,an interviewer behind him.


*1 hour later*

"now to finish off the interview,Mr Lennon is there any body in your live life?" the interviewer asked John.

john moved uncomfortably in his seat.

"I..uh well yes actually yes i 'ave"

I was confused John never said anything about a it was paul! the interviewer wrote down some notes on his notepad before looking up to ask another question.

"and where did you two meet? was it love at first site? are you moving slow or fast?" wow this guy asked a lot of question and by the look of John's face,he must've thought so too.

"well we met not long ago.she's very beautiful you see.she has lovely blonde hair and her smile is beautiful." I looked over at paul who looked heartbroken,but why?

"were not going out but I think it was love at first sight and I hope we can move on,is that all?"

"yes yes thank you and have a lovely night" he stood up,gave us a wave and was out the door.

Brian walked over to hs with the biggest grin I have ever seen in his face.

"that was great boys now go home and get some rest you have to be up bright and early tomorrow for the release of you new album now ta ta".

John stood up quickly and walked out the room.leaning into ringo I whisperd in his ear.

"ringo,baby I have to talk to paul over here about him and john ill be round yours soon" I winked at him and then he left.

"No Paul...what has troubled you?" I asked crossing my legs on the chair.

"I have no idea what your on about"

"dont lie to me Paul"

"I'm not" man was he sassy and stubborn.

"James Paul McCartney"

Paul stiffned when i said his full name but it was the only way to get him to listen to me.

"dont call me that." he said between gritted teeth.

"well unless you tell me what's wrong then I will call you what every I got that shitface"

paul laughed befor looking me dead in the eyes.

"me and john we...we did stuff last night an-and I thought that he loved me and that I loved him but then I saw that red headed Bird,Jane is her name and she was quite a stunner but I feel quilty and when john said he found a bird it felt like some one had punched me right in the heart..oh George what am I going to do?!"

by now Paul was crying..really bad I felt bad for the poor boy.I put my arm around his shoulder and let him cry into my arm.

"well paul go talk to 'im tell 'I'm that you love 'im before he goes with that blonde Bird.

paul looked at me with sad eyes.

"o-okay thanks geo" and with that paul stood up and walked out of the doors of the studio.

a/n:wow its been a while since i chapters are getting shorter and im sorry about that but damn shits going down.

love it,like it,hate it? let me know.

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