chapter 31

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                      3rd person POV

john walked slowly away from Paul's flat.'why would paul do that' john though to himself.John understood why paul didn't want to be with him, but paul was being an Ass about it.

Back in Pauls flat, he led there,silently crying himself to sleep.The kitchen was coverd in glass and China and the walls were full of holes Paul silently got out of bed and went to the bathroom.His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying he had been doing and his through was sore. deep down paul did love John and he wanted to forgive him but he couldn't.But paul didn't want to move on, he wanted john back.

John reached his house and unlocked the door, forgetting that his aunt Mimi was staying over."where have you been john Lennon!" she shouted causing john to jump.John couldn't be botherd with being shouted at again so he just walked up stairs. But Mimi wasn't going to let that happen. "where have you been?" she asked again.John didn't answer. "answer me!" she demanded.John turned around and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Fuck off Mimi!" he screamed turning back round again. mimi was stunned but left it.John walked into his bedroom and saw the picture of him and Paul in his window sill.He picked it up and sighed.He put the picture under his bed and then slowly got into bed,not bothering to change.

the next day john woke up and decided to ring Cynthia. "its time I forget about pauk" he said to him self whilst walking downstairs for the phone.Mimi had left and had left a note taped to the door.
I have gone back to Liverpool.I thought the film was great and I hope you wear yout glasses more
love Mimi x

john rang Cynthia and waited till she picked up."hello" she answered no knowing who it was.

"hey cyn its john" john said merrily.john and Cynthia talked for a while and made arrangements to go out for dinner.

Paul woke up and sighed.He missed John and although john had cheated on him, john completed him.Paul got out of bed and walked into the kitchen.He slipped on a tea towel and landed on the glass,cutting his arm in the process."shit" paul muttered to him self.he pulled the glass out,wincing in pain and quickly ran to the sink to soak the wound.

once paul and soaked and banged up the wound, he made some tea.He couldn't be botherd with tidying the place up so he just left it how it was.paul sat there sipping his tea and biting his nails.'maybe if I call him and say that I forgive he will come back' paul thought to him self.He walked towards the phone and dialed John's number.

"hello?" john answerd.paul took in deep breaths.he couldn't do it."hello?" john asked again.

"hi-hi john its Paul" paul said quietly.

A rush of excitement raced through John's body.But that soon all went when he realized what had happend only 2 days ago. "what do you want" john said a bit harshly. he wasn't surprised that paul phoned up to apologise but john wouldn't  take any of it.Paul had treated him like dirt and he had, had enough of it. "no Paul I don't want you have treated me like shit and I'm not liking it.ive got a date later any ways so please don't disturb me if you want to still be in the band" john said smirking to himself. "oh and one more thing I hate you" and with that john hung up the phone.

Paul put the phone back and slid down the wall.How could john moved on so fast? paul started to cry.he missed his johnny and it was all his fault.Paul picked him self up and walked towards the bedroom.He didn't feel like eating again today,so he didn't.He walked towards the wardrobe and pulled all John's stuff out, chucking it into the living room.He than began kicking the furniture,pieces of wood flying everywhere.He punched some more walls,his knuckles becoming bruised and more bloodied.He screamed at the top of his lungs."this is all my fault!" he screamed pulling at his hair.

when paul stopped his rampage, he got into bed and went to sleep...that's all he wanted todo was sleep.

a/n: omg paulie! I literally have shit loads of ideas and its killing ny brain aha
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