chapter 37

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19th December 1964

                     pauls POV

Christmas was coming up and everyone was getting into the Christmas spirit, while I just sat in my room. My room was a complete mess. I couldn't be bothered to tidy it, what was the point? No one ever comes in here any ways. Ive been eating less and less, and everybodys noticed.

I still had John's clothes that he let me borrow from a few months ago. I was meant to give them back to him but that would be like ripping my heart out of my chest, so I kept them.occasionally I would hug them to my chest, I would imagine that it was john.

there was a knock at my door, so I quickly stood up and answerd it. George stood at my door, stepping from one foot to the other."yes George" I said poking my head through the door.

"um you 'aven't forgotten about tomorrow 'ave you?" he asked nervously. tomorrow?

"what's happening tomorrow?" I asked confused. he sighed and scratched his head.

"john and Cynthia are coming round tomorrow, to give gifts and then where going to watch some Christmas films"

"do I 'ave to do it?" I asked. I didn't want to face john again, but then I did. I longed for his touch, his scent, I longed for him. The only time I see him now is at band rehearsals. But he always brings her with him!

"yes you do paul" George said.

"fine" I said then closed the door. I needed to get john something, something special.I went to see how much money I had on my wallet.£35.28. I quickly got dressed and sorted my hair before walking out ny room.

"where ye off too?" ringo asked, George snuggled up to him. I felt jealous but brushed it off.

"going to get Christmas presents" I said, flinging my coat on a grabbing a hat.

"don't be long then" George piped up. I nodded and walked out.

The cold December breeze  hit my face hard. I pulled my coat up higher and pulled the hat down, then started walking. I walked into a food shop and got George a gift set of different chocolates and sweets. I then walked into a music shop. I got ringo brand new drumsticks and an Elvis record.

By now I had £14.33 left, so I walked into a jewelry shop and looked at the men's braclets. there were loads to choose from, but one caught my eye. It was a silver chane that had a metal band on the middle with the word "bestfriend" engraved on it. I looked at the price and sighed. £25.

"excuse me miss" I said to the jeweler. she looked up and walked over to me.

"how may I help you?" she asked. I pointed to the braclet and she took it out the case.

"you see I really want to get this for my friend but I don't have enough money"  I said taking off my hat and lowering my coat. she put her hand over her mouth and squealed.

"your p-paul McCartney!" I smiled st her and took out my money.

"this is all I have"

"you can have the braclet for ten pounds if I can get an autograph...please?" I smiled. she was quite elderly. With silver hair, and her face covered in wrinkles, but she was very sweet.

"thanks love" I said giving her the money and then giving her my autograph. I kissed her on the cheek and put the braclet in my other shopping bags. I watched her as she put her hand up to her cheek and smile. "thank you, bye love" I said walking towards the door. she waved goodbye and then went back behind the counter.

There werent many people out which was unusual for London.maybe they where with there families, boyfriends,girlfriends. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly whiped it away.walking round the corner, I saw john and Cynthia walking down hand in hand. I put my head down and carried on walking, hoping that they didn't notice me.

"hey Paul!" Cynthia said stopping in front of me. shit.

"h-hi" I said. john looked at me and put his arm round Cynthia. I felt my heart crumble to pieces.

"paul" john said nodding his head at me. I nodded back and looked at the ground.

"so what are you doing out? you'll freaze to death" Cynthia said, pulling my coat up abit. I laughed and fixed it my self.

"oh just uh Christmas present shopping." I said gripping my bags."i got to go, George and ringo are waiting for me" '

"ok paul. see you tomorrow"  Cynthia said giving me a hug. I felt uncomfortable but hugged back.

"yep, bye Cynthia,john"  I waved goodbye and then quickly stopped in an art shop. I picked up some paints and new brushes, might aswell get something for Cynthia.

a/n: ooo snap! what did you think?

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