Chapter 39

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George's POV

Christmas came and went, and each day we saw less and less of paul. We were all getting worried, even john. he would ask how he is or if he's looking any better, but it was always the same reply. ' no he's still the same' or 'he's getting worse'. He keeps himself locked in his bedroom and the only time he comes out is when he needs the toilet.

Me and ringo were snuggled on the sofa together watching telly. " there is never anything on" ringo said getting up to change the channel.

"It's always the same, the news or some weird movie" I replied stretching out on the sofa. ringo looked at me and smirked.

"Your so sexy when you stretch out" he said coming towards me then sitting on me. I felt my cheeks heat up as he began to move around.

"Ri-ringo n-not now" I stuttered, trying to calm my growing erection. ringo pouted and jumped off.

"Your no fun"

"If ye' lucky ye' might get some of this" I said gesturing at my body. "tonight". I winked and watch him look at me then at his crotch.

"I ugh have I problem that needs sorting urgently!" he whined. I laughed and shook my head.

"Sort it out ye' self" I said smirking at him. ringo huffed then walked over to the bathroom. he slammed the door shut making me jump. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I heard a knock on the door and groaned. walking up to the door, I was shocked to see a miserable john lennon."john what are you doing here?" I asked. he sighed and walked in.

" Me and cyn had a fight about me never being home and I needed a break and then I though ' hey let's go over to George's and talk about the band' so 'ere I am". I looked at him for a second and sighed.

"John" I said closing the door.i saw Paul's door open a crack but I just left him. " y'know talking 'bout the band and the music is what ye' do with Paul"

"Yes well I'm just not ready to start that again". john said bluntly , yet I knew he really wanted to.

"John your being pathetic"

"I am not !"

"Yes you are ! your hurting paul! and this is only going to make things worse" . He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"George I don't think I can cope with Paul being in the band" he whispered. I was shocked with what he was saying. beyond shocked in fact!.

"John you're're not kicking him out are you?". I asked. I didn't want him out of the band.

"Well I've thought about it" he admitted. " but I'm not". I felt a pang of relief rush through my body . thank god!. " what I'm trying to say that I want you to start writing the songs with me, being second in charge. paul will still be singing most the songs like he usually does, but I want it to be known as Lennon-harrison"

I was happy that he wasn't kicking paul out the band. I was shocked that he wanted to compose the music with me!. " I ugh john uh "

"You're list for words, I know. but what do ye' say?" . I struggled to think of what to say. but chose with the wrong answer.

"I'd love to" I said smiling. what have I done.

John was here for about an hour and during that time, we talked about the band and the new album. I knew Paul was listening and it killed me to of taken his place, but it's always been my dream to have my name on the back of an album.

Once john had left, I walked into mine and ringos bedroom and flopped on to the bed. " I heard your conversation". ringo said propping him self up on his elbows. I covered my face with my hand and sighed.

"Ugh Paul heard it aswell, what have I done rings?" I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You made a big mistake that's what." he pulled me into a hug and stocked my face. " don't cry love, just try not to talk about it around Paul ok?" I nodded and kissed him on the lips.

"You always know what to say". he smiled and wiggled his head before leaning down and kissing me.

Ringo led me down on to the bed and got on top of me. he rocked back and fourth making me groan in pleasure. "Ringo" I said as he kissed me hard. I undid his shirt buttons and flung it across the room. he nibbled on my jawline causing me to moan.

"It's been a while george" he said, taking my top off and throwing it across the room. he ran his fingers up and down my chest, making me shiver in delight.

"Yes it has" I breathed out. he undid my belt and then pulled down my trousers. my member was now hard and ringo smirked when he saw it.

"Excited are we?" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I felt my cheeks go red pulled him down onto me.

"I could say the same to you" I said, feeling his growing erection against my leg. he kissed down my chest and then my inner thigh. I felt him graze his teeth against my skin and I gasped.

Feeling him smirk against my leg, I felt him pull down my pants and putting his hot lips around my member.

"Ringo!" I shouted as he began to suck. I gripped the bed sheets and leant my head back.

He stopped before I reached my climax and pulled his own pants down. he pushed into making me gasp and began to move.


I woke up in ringos arms and smiled. waking up to him is the most beautifulest thing ever. seeing him sleeping. the way his bare vest rises and falls, it's beautiful.

I got up, careful not to wake up ringo and walked into the kitchen. I was shocked when I saw Paul sat at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I heard yours and johns conversation".he said sipping his coffee. I sighed and sat in front of him.

"Look paul, I made a mistake. I know I did. but I've dreamt of this moment since the please please me album"

"What ever george." he said standing up. he walked out of the kitchen and stopped by the door. "your not the George Harrison I used to know" and then walked out .

He was right. I had changed. massively.

A/n:Oooo guys there is only a few more chapters left!(and when I say a few I mean like 5)*cries* I hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I have. I really enjoy writing the chapters and then waking up to your comments and votes. I sometimes laugh and cry when writing these. so thank you to everybody who has stuck around to read this! I love you all so much.

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