chapter 16

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                    3rd person POV

George and Ringo awoke to the sound of Paul strumming his guitar."what the bloody 'ell is he doing" Ringo stressed getting out of bed and walking towards the lounge.

"ritchie wait,listen" george said pulling on ringos hand.

"but its 4 in the morning and we've got another interview tomorrow"

George snuggled up to ringo and kissed his head.

"i know I know but listen.I think its a song for john"

...why he had to go I don't know he wpuldnt say.I said something wrong now I long for yesterday.

Paul looked at what he had got down and sighed.He scribbled out he and replaced it with she and then started playing again.

Mean while John was in his room,also writing a song,but that didn't last long.He walked over to the alcohol cabinet and took out the whisky.he took a long swig,the liquid burning his throught,but he didn't care,he needed his Paul.

"come on boys get up". brain said walking into ringo and Georges room."paul what are your doing in here?" Brian asked feeling slightly confused.

Paul woke up,his hair all messy and his tie undone."what?" paul asked croggily.

"i said why are you here.shouldn't you be in John's room,you two are never seperated" brian said fixing his hair.All the boys knew Brian was gay,and they were fine with it.

"i uh we had a fight" paul replied combing his hair and fixing his tie.

He stood up and headed towards the bathroom."im going for a quick shower" he said before shutting and locking the door.

"well I better wake john up then" brain said and with that he walked out of the room.

John tossed and turned all night,memories of him and paul replaying over and over in his mind.

"wake up Lennon" Brian said whilst shaking john awake.John winced at the bright light and groaned.

"5 more minutes eppy" john said whilst rolling over.Brian's heart sped up,he loved it when john called him eppy,even though he acted like he hated it.Briand feelings for john were so strong he could barley look at him with out his heart pounding.

"dont call me that john" Brian said ripping the covers of John,leaving him in his shirt and underwear.Brian gasped and turned around whilst john shiverd from the cold morning air.Standing up john walked over to the bathroom,briand watching his everymove,and started to get dressed.A few minutes later john walked out,all cleaned up and refreshed."john you look like you need a brake" Brian said whilst sorting out John's tie.

"it would be nice" john replied

"come to Spain with me" brain told John.John took a step back.

"wha-what?" john asked confused.

"come to Spain with me we can talk about new albums,relax and get to know each other more" Brian replied

John looked shocked but nodded his head in reply."great ill tell you all the dates soon now go meet up with the rest of the boys.

Paul got out the shower and stood in front of the mirror.Why did john love him? Paul flexed but then relaxed. "im nothing but a skinny little queer" paul said to himself.He got dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

"took you long enough" ringo and george said both rushing towards the bathroom.

"yeah sorry" paul replied before walking out.Paul didn't look where he was going and bumped into someone." WATCH IT YOU...john?" Paul was shocked.John was on the floor groaning.He stood up and hugged paul.Paul didn't know what to do he just stood there shocked.

"macca I'm sorry please please please forgive me I love you so much" John cried into Paul's shoulder.Paul hugged him back.

"i love you too johnny,I really do"

a/n:wow that was so bad! first attempt at a 3rd person POV....wo such bad chapter. any ways I probably won't be updating until Sunday and I'm so sorry about that.

love it?,like it?,hard it? let me know!

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