chapter 21

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                      johns POV

After me and paul had finished all the weed,we got a bit hungry and decided what every man does,go and get takeout food at 1am in the morning.Looking around the room,I saw paul lying on the floor giggling like a teenage girl. "hey john*giggling* Lo-look at my hands! aren't they great!"I laughed at paul and looked at his hands,taking in every detail.The roughness of his fingertips,the curves of his fingers,every line on his palm,I took it all in.Shuffling across the room,I sat behind paul and lifted him up onto my lap,burying my head in his neck and breathing in his scent.

"you smell so nice macca" I said kissing his neck.He giggled and leaned into me;taking my hands in his."you hungry?" I asked stroking his hands.

"yea I feel like I could eat a horse!"paul said jumping up.

I Stood up and took his face in mind and kissed him.He ran his hands through my hair making me groan.

Pulling away,I looked into his hazel eyes and smiled.Paul was all mine."lets go get food I'm starvin macca"

"yea let's but be careful theres a goblin guarding  the door" I laughed and took his hands in mine.

"dont worry paulie ill protect you"

This was the first time paul had ever smoked weed and he had a lot more than me.My high was dying down but pauls wasn't.I looked in the mirror and looked at us both,Our eyes were bright red,our hair sticking up and I'm pretty sure we stank of cannabis.Putting on our disguises,we headed out of out hotel room and out looking for a takeout.

"ooo what about that Chinese one?!" paul said jumping up and down.

"i don't care were we go I've got the munchies" We giggled at my silly comment and walked in.

"ah customer how may I help you?" The man said pulling out a notepad.

I looked at paul and he looked at me before bursting out laughing.

"oh I will have *giggling* a-a rice not rice um chicken *giggling* yeah yeah chicken" I said doing a chicken impression.

"ok and what about you?" he asked Paul.

"noodley noodles!" paul shouted. I laughed causing paul to laugh.

"be with you soon" the man said going into the kitchen.

As I was looking around,my vision started going back to normal,it wasn't as sharp.I blinked and rubbed my eyes.Turning to look at paul,I saw him biting his nails until they were bright red.His knee was shaking up and down and I wonders what was wrong."what's wrong macca?" I asked holding his free hand.

"there's someone behind that plant pot..its the goblin hes coming for me!" paul shouted.

"calm down Paul" I soothed wrapping an arm around his shoulders.He sighed and stood up turning on the radio.Elvis was on and he began dancing,flinging his arms about.

"john oh my gosh john this is so amazing this song is brilliant!"nhs shouted pulling me up from me seat.We danced to Elvis until we heard a cough.I wasn't tired and by the looks of it,paul wasn't either.

"thanks mister" I said taking the bag and grabbing Paul's hand."where should we go" I asked paul,still running.

"shopping!!" paul screached.And that's what we did,we went shopping.We bought stupid hats and glasses,tons of food,loads of alcohol,some silly costumes and a lamp.

Running into the hotel;arms filled with bags,we ran towards our bedroom and flew the bags across the room.By bow we were both back to our normal selves,but that wasn't going to stop us.I pulled out two cups and filled then up with vodka.Handing a cup to paul I looked him dead in the eye and grinned.

"one the count of three" I said lifting the cup."one"


"three!" we both downed the Vodka and had another.

                  *half an our later*

"paul have I..have I ever told you how beautiful you are" I slurred stumbling around the room.Me and paul downed all the alcohol and ate all the food.We were dressed up in our silly costumes and were drunk out of our minds.

"yeeees but your the beautiful onee" paul replied poking me in the chest.

"your so hot macca" I said burying my head in his neck.I began to suck earning me a moan from Paul.I picked up his legs and wrapped them around my waist,pushing him up against the wall."ever done it on a piano" I said looking over to the grand piano.Paul shook his head and touched the spit were I left the love bite." would you like too?" I asked kissing down his neck.Paul nodded his head,his chest rising and falling at a rapid paste.

                        Paul's POV.

I woke up on the floor,coverd in blankets and a sleeping john.I winced as the sun shon through the windows,and I imediently got a headache.John was snoring softly,and his bum was showing.I giggled and covers him up.Standing up,I strwched and relised I was also in my birthday suit."shit" I mutterd running towards the bedroom but tripping over john.

"owww" me and john said at the same time.I was led across John's stomach,my whole body on show."well this is a nice way to wake up" john said wiggling his eyebrows.I blushed and sat up,bringing my knees to my chest.

"shut up john I have a headache" John laughed and cuddled me.

"aww baby paul can't handle his drink".I shoved him off of me and clutched my knees closer to my chest whilst looking around the room.There was alcohol bottles every where,food wrappers all on the floor.Our clothes were scattered every where,and a lamp was broken.

"we've got a lot of work todo Lennon" I said turning to John who nodded in reply.

a/n:wow I haven't updated in a while so here you are and I hope yoy enjoy it.
love it?,like it?,hate it? let me know!

p.s.the Spain part will be in chapter 23 or 24

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