chapter 13

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                       ringos POV

I waited nervously for George,he should be here soon.Why am I so nervouse? I stood up and started to pace around the living room,running my hands through my hair,I looked at the time.


Looking around I saw that the flat was a total dump!

"oh god" I said to my self as I started to pick up the dirty laundry.

knock knock

"fuck"I whisperd to my self running round like a mad man.Flinging the clothes into the shoe cupboard,I opened the door.There stood George,beautiful as ever.His hair slightly messy from the wind,his fangs showing when he smiled.

His smile made me smile.

"c-come in George" I stutterd...nice one ringo.

"what's got ye' knickers in a twist Richie?" George asked whilst plopping down on the sofa.

"wha-what?" I replied feeling confused..I don't wear knickers.

"what's got ye' so nervouse ringo?"

I smiled when he said my name.

"this drummer never gets nervouse georgie" ruffling his hair i sat down next to him.It was silent,not an uncomfortable silence but a silence that showed we enjoyed eachothers company.George placed is hand on my knee and I smiled.

"what do you want for dinner?" I asked George standing up and heading for the kitchen.

"I don't want any thing for dinner"

I froze did he just?

"did you just say what I think you said?" George giggled and put his hand on my chest.I shivers under his touch.Standing on my tiptoes i  pecked him on the lips earning a giggle from George.

"well what do ye' want then geo?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist.He leaned down and whisperd in my ear.

"I know what I want and I think you know too" He kissed my neck. which made my moan.

"Ge-george n-now?" I stutterd trying to get my breathing undercontrol.He ran his fingers down my chest and started to undo my buttons.I did the same to him and pressed our chests together.The feeling of  our chests touching made me go crazy.I smashed my lips agaist his and pulled him towards my bedroom,pushing the door open with my foot, and not breaking the kiss;i pushed him on the bed. "i never let the younger ones lead georgie" i said winking at him. He blushed and pulled me onto him.He kissed me again but with more force,more passion,this kiss was non of the kisses weve ever had before,this kiss was filled with love.

He bit my lip,causing me to gasp,and he took the oppotunity to slide his tounge in my mouth. Our tounges fought for dominance but i decided to let him win.Pulling away,i looked down at the younger lad. His face bright red and flushed,his eyes filled with love,his breathing unsteady and his hair messy,yet he still looked beautiful. "you're so beautiful george" i told him,moving his hair out of his eyes.He blushed and looked me in the eyes. "no-not as beautiful as you ritchie" i smiled and kissed him again.I kissed down his kneck,bitting a bit causing him to moan.Leaving hot kisses over his body,i fumbled with his trouser belt. "are you sure you wanna do this geo?" i asked concerned...i didn't want to hurt my baby."of couse now hurry up i don't think i can last any longer.I grinned and pulled his trousers down,leaving him in his pants.

He did the same to me,which left us both in our underwear.I kissed him again,running my hands down his chest,and then back up.I did this for a while until i found the waist band of his pants.Grinning i slid my hand in and grabbed his member.. "RiNGO!" George shouted with plessure as i moved up and down. "d-dont s-stop pl-please" I grinned..thats what i like to hear.

I ripped his pants of causing him to gasp and kissed him again and carried on plessuring him.He grabbed my hair and pulled me closer,wrapping his legs around my waist,he pulled down my pants."do it" was all he said to me and i didn't need to be asked twice.I pushed into him,causing him to gasp."geo if it hurts tell me" i said adjusting my self. "no its fine just hurry up!" i chuckled at his eagerness and started to move.I moved slowly at first so george could get used to it.He let out a few whimpers but after a few minutes those whimpers turned into plessure.

I picked up the pace not wanting to go slow any more."ahh ringo!" george shouted as i went in deep.He was close and i knew it.I hit that same spot a few more times,rewarding me with moans from george.I was getting close and by the looks of it,so was george.I went in one more time before we both shouted with pleasure.

I pulled out and led on georges chest.I pulled the covers up as He played with my hair and pecked him on the lips."i love you ringo" george said.My heart warmed up.Those words,those simple three words meant the world to me."i love you too geo,night" " good night".

A/N: aww aww aww! aint they the cutest! ive never written any thing like this before,so please tell me what you think and what else i should add for the next time (; 

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