chapter 9

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               ringos pov

"well" I breathed out

I fiddled with the buttons on my shirt.I was sweating,why was I sweating?why was I so nervouse?ahh this is to hard

'just spit it out'

'yeah just spit it out'

'shut it you two" I told the voices in my head.I breathed in then out.deep breathes come on ringo you can do it!

I looked up to see George eating a muffin...when the hell did he get that?

"what is it Richie just tell me" George said flapping his arms about,sending muffin crumbs everywhere.

I sighed. "george please don't hate me for this" I said rubbing my temples and pacing the hotel room.

"hate you for what?" he asked oh so innocently.

I looked at the younger lad before answering.

"george feelings for are so strong they're hard to explain.When ever I see you,I get tingles run through my body.when you first introduced me to the band I finally felt wanted.when you called me your bestmate,your brother,I finally felt one has ever treated me like you ha e before.I can't control ny feelings."

I was now at the other end of the room and sweating,really bad.

I looked st George,he sat there emotionless.sighing I carried on.

"what I'm trying to say that I love you.I love you to the moon and back! I love you with all my hearts content.if you hate me I under-"

I was cut off by a crying George hugging me.I hugged back and stroked his Brown hair.

"oh ringo that was so beautiful" he said sniffling.

"you really think so?" I asked

he nodded and smashed his lips onto mine.tingles rushed around my body,I could see frireworks!

I smiled and kissed him back.I started to move our mouths together,deepening the kiss.George mouned and I smiled again.

pushing my tounge against his lips,I asked for entrance.he gladly excepted and opened his mouth.

he grabbed my hair and started to twirl it around.I mouned and then pulled away.

"ringo" geotge said sorting out his hair.

"mmm" I replied smiling.

"are we a thing now because I would like to I mean only if its okay with you" I chuckled at him and pulled his knuckles up to my lips.I kissed them gently.he giggled and kissed me on the lips.

                   georges pov

he loves me! he fucking loves me

I pulled away from the kiss and smiled st ringo.he smiled back and sat down on the sofa.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down,resting my head on his shoulder.

"so what made you love me then" ringo asked out of nowhere.I looked at him

"well" I started

"since we met I've been confused about my sexuality because you are so damn beautiful" I blushed but continued

"i mean I would see girls and like 'she's hot' or 'shes a good looking gal' but then you'd always creep into my mind.I got angry a few times because I didn't want to be known ad the queer one of the band but I kept thinking 'well why don't I tell him how I feel' but I chickend out I guess" I laughed and stood up and looked at ringo.

"that was adorable he said standing up and pecking me one the lips.

i blushed.

"come 'ed I'm hungry" I said.ringo laughed and followed me out the door.

a/n:such sort chapter,sorry:c

omg guys I was reading john Lennon:in his life by Pete shottam or I think it was called that well any ways there was apart about the time when Brian and john went to Spain and it said that john told Pete that brain tossed him off! like omfg I knew brain had a thing for john but who knew john would let him do that

love it?,like it?,hate it? let me know :*

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