chapter 30

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                      Pauls POV

Today was the release of a hard days night and I really couldn't be botherd to go.I hadn't eaten since yesterday and to be honest I don't feel like eating.Today meant spending the day with the lads aslo meaning he would be there,He meaning john.I looked at the song I wrote and sighed."the bastard never loved me" I said to myself, folding the piece of paper up and putting it in my bedside table draw.

It was around 8 in the morning and I decided that I needed a shower.Walking towards the bathroom, I turned the shower on and waited for the water to heat up.When it had heated up, I stripped down and got in. I stood under the water, thinking about my life.You see the shower is a great place to think, so that's where I do all my thinking.I started thinking about mine and johns 'relationship'. was it even real or was he just using me? did he even love me? of course he didn't,he went and let our manager toss him off!

I got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist.Usally around now,john would come in and hug me and kiss me and I was stood like i was expecting it, but then I rememberd what he did and a pang of hate rushed through my body.I walked out of the bathroom and into my room to pick clothes out to wear for today. But as usuall I stuck with the same old black suit,white shirt and black tie.I quickly got dressed and combed my hair so it was perfect, and then went into the kitchen to make myself some tea.

as I was pouring the tea into a cup, the phone started to ring.I sighed and walked over to the black object, picking the phone up and bringing it to my ear, I spoke. "hello paul McCartney speaking"

"hello paul" it was Brian.

"what would you like Brian?" I asked, biting at my nails.

"well" he started off. "are you dressed?"

"yes, why"

"im sending a car over to pick you up,you and the lads need to be here early for an interview"

"okay bye Brian"

I hung up the phone and waited for the car to turn up.I started to bite my nails again, this time making them bleed, but I didn't care .

when the car eventually turned up,I walked out the flat,locked the door and walked up to the car. Opening it I saw ringo and George sat next to eachother and john by the window of the other side.I got in the car, making sure I was far away from john as possible, then shut the door.

"aye I thought you two broke up" I said to George and ringo.

"we did" ringo simply said whilst playing with Georges hair."but I couldn't be mad at him forever" I felt slightly jealous of their relationship.Like theirs was always better than mine and...his.

"so George.."john started to say and I knew that was my que to shut up.I blocked everyone out on the whole car ride.occasionally I would catch john looking at me with a sorry look in his eye,but I didn't care.I bit my nails again until they bled and George noticed this.

"paul ye got to stop bitting ye nails" George said grabbing my hand and examining my nails.I pulled my hand out of his grip and put my hands in my lap.

"it calms me" I simply replied. and it was true, it did calm me.

"well if ye carry on then you won't be able to play bass" I looked at George and then at ringo.John was looking at me but I ignored it.

"please stop biting them" john said but I acted like I didn't hear him.

"so George have ye wrote anything new lately?" I asked trying to get a conversation started.George nodded in reply and we kept this up until we saw the cinema come into view.

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