chapter 2

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                    Paul's pov

I watched john as his fingers swiftly stummed his guitar.we were in the middle of recording our new song 'cant buy me love'

after we finished eppy came up to us

that was great guys really outstanding".we all smiled and went to pack our instruments away.

I walk over to john and placed my hand on his shoulder,which man him jump a little.

"great one johnny you did really good" I said.he just looked at me.his eyes glistening,his perfect plumped lips..naughty paul I.can't think.of stuff like this I mean I've always love john but not I'm a queer way..I think.

I started to fingers in front of his fave which seemed to get is attention.

"john are you alright?" I asked "wha what" he replied looking confused...I just wanted to cuddle him all day!..there I go again.

"you were staring at me,are you okay"I said to him,my hand still on his shoulder.

"uh yeah..yeah I'm fine just zoned out for a bit" he told me.

I  was about to turn around,when I felt him grab me  by the wrist."hey macca how about me you George and ringo go to the pub y'know for a few drinks and maybe get some birds" he wiggling his eye brows

"i..I don't know..eppy said not to as we still got to finish recording" I said johns  face dropped a bit.

and he began putting on puppy dog eyes.Urh not the puppy dog eyes.he still had hold of my wrist,and my belly was doing front flips.

"fine just for a few drinks that's it" I said trying to sound annoyed a cheeky grin appeard over johns face and he began to walk over to George and ringo.

I looked at his arse,the way he looked was perfect! I mentally slapped my self around the face.'stop having queer thoughts macca' I told my self

'we both know you like john' Urg its like my brain is rebelling against me.'shut it you' I told it.

I saw George run out the door so I followed aswell as ringo.

we got into the car and waited for john.when he got in a smiled and began plugging in my seatbelt,running my hand against his fingers on purpose.john froze and sighed,not a hatefull sigh,but a sigh that was full of frustration and love.

he ran his fingers through his hair. "you okay john?" I asked a bit worried "yeah just tired" he said but I knew he was lying.I sat back and looked out the window thinking about what I'm gonna do about these thoughts.I've always loved john but as a best friend..right? I mean we flirt with eachother but as I joke,I think.

we arrived at the pub and all walked in.

a/n.soo I don't usally update every day but y'know why the Fuck not! haha sorry if this is a boring chapter its just explaining what little paulie thought about it all,I promise it will get better.

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let me.know in the comments.

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