chapter 34

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                    Paul's POV

                  *3 months later*

Ringo and George were now living with me. they said they couldn't trust me by my self, which I guess was true.

When I found out that Cynthia and John started dating my whole world crashed and crumbled. I just gave up. John wouldnt even look at me any more. And whay hurt me more is that he looked happy.

I haven't eaten properly since I found out, I don't even want to eat. What was the point in living if the love of my life acts like I don't even exist?

                      ringos POV

Me and George were starting to get worried about Paul. He hasn't eaten since the news and it was starting to show...a lot. He just stays in his room all day. Sometimes we can hear various crashing sounds and then sobbing. "ringo I'm getting really worried now" George said, tears starting to form in his eyes. I walked over to him and sat him on my lap, kissing his cheek in the process.

"so am I love". I was really worried.

"hes been me best mate since he was like 14 and I don't want to loose him Richard" by now George was really crying and I felt sorry for him. I've only known paul since the day we met in Hamburg, but it feels like I've known him all my life.

"i got a call from john earlier" I said. George looked at me and then at pauls door when we heard it open. Paul walked out in a turtle neck jumper and pyjama trousers, that's all he wears now.

"what did he say?" paul said, his voice sounded scratchy from all the crying he had done.

"that he wants to have a band meeting at 2 o clock, which is in 3 hours"

"im not going" paul said sternly, yet I could tell that he wanted to.

"paul you have too,its called a band meeting for a reason"


"no buts Paul. you are going weather you like it or not." paul sighed and nodded his head.

"fine ill go get dressed." he said and then walked off to his bedroom.

"why does he want a band meeting any ways?" George asked, wrapping his arms around my kneck.

"he said he wants to work on a new album"

"oh okay" George kissed my cheek and I smiled."we should go get ready" he said seductively.I grinned and took his hand, pulling him towards the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and then started to undress, george copying.I looked at George, he was so beautiful and he was all mine. I stepped in;pulling George with me and kissed him hard.He wrapped his arms around my kneck and licked my lips for entrance."maybe we should wait till tonight" I said barley above a whisper. George nodded and started to wash my hair. once we had finished, we walked out and was surprised to see paul stood outside.

"other people have to use the bathroom aswell you know" he said, towel in one hand and his other hand on his hip.

"yeah sorry Paul" we said at the same time. he pushed pass us and slammed the door shut, causing us to jump.

"whats his problem?" George said walking into our bedroom. I shut the door and sat on the bed.

"hes jealous" which is true, he was very jealous of mine and Georges relationship, you could see it in eyes. no matter how much we tried, he wasn't going to stop being jealous. we even tried to get Jane to make him feel better, but it still didn't work. We had to tell Jane the whole situation and she understood.

"maybe this meeting will make things between then easier."

"i doubt that, johns got Cynthia now he doesn't even act like paul exists"

"well let's just hope for the best"

Once we were all dressed, we got in the car and drove to the studio. The drive was silent and it was getting awkward. "so Paul have you written any new songs" I asked wanting to start a conversation.

"what's it to you" paul said bluntly. I looked at him through the mirror and sighed.

"i was just asking"

"well don't"

for the rest of the drive, it was silent.We arrived at the studio and got out the car. John was already there so we had to hurry.

"its about time" john said as we walked in the door.

"yea sorry bout that" I said walking into the studio.I stopped when I saw Cynthia sat down.

"lads you remember Cynthia don't you?" john asked, sitting next to her.I felt paul freeze behind me and I felt sorry for him.

"yea we do but I'm sure there was a rule about no girlfriends in the studio" George said, crossing his arms. I saw anger rush through John's face and I knew he was about to blow.

"what the he-" he was cut off by Cynthia standing up.

"well I've got to go any way promised my friend ill go shopping with her bye john" she said kissing him. I turned round to look at paul, his fists were clenched and he was biting his lip."bye lads"

"bye" me and George said.

"yea bye" paul angrily said. I sat down, followed by paul and George.

"so you wanted us" I said. john nodded.

"yes I want to work on a new album, I've already written a song" john said sitting in front of us."have any of you written a song or songs?" he asked.

"i have" George said."i wrote it when me and ringo broke up"

"what about you ringo?" he asked.

"I don't write songs john, you know I don't but I know Pauls written some" I said.  john sighed and looked at George.

"show is then George"  George shook is head and handed a guitar to Paul.

"listen to pauls songs first" he said. Paul went paler than he already was.

"fine what ever"

a/n: I've dyed my hair red guys! any ways not my best but meh.
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