chapter 18

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                       Paul's POV.

last night was amazing,where do I even start.John was gentle yet rough at the same time,he said that he loved me and I told him I loved him.He made me cry out in pleasure as did he.John was just perfect.

                      ringod POV.

I heard various shouts and moans coming from john and Paul's room,and to be quite honest it made me horny.Them two have been happy ever since the interview and it was cute that they're going out.

I walk over to George and wrapped my arms around his waist,breathing in his scent.He was reading some book about meditation."george cant you hear them!" I said into Georges ear.He shiverd,sighed and closed his book.

"yes I can ringo"

"should I bang on the door and tell 'em to be quite"

"nah they won't listen rich" George picked up his book again and started reading.By now I was really turned on and by the looks of it George noticed."richard Starkey are you getting a hard on from john and Paul?" he said grinning.

"no I'm just really horny" I admitted.George giggled and stood up.

"well I can't help you mate I need to shower and then meditate" He pecked me on the lips and walked over to the bathroom.I let out a dramatic sigh and led on my back."you can join me in you want Richie" George said before closing the door.I stood up and practically flew to the bathroom."easy boy easy" George laughed ruffling my hair.I blushed and turned the water on.We both got undressed and stepped in.The hot water relaxed my muscles and made me feel weightless.Wrapping my arms around george,I pulled his wet body onto mine.his damp hair was in the ways of is gorgeous eyes,so I moved it to the side,kissing his forehead making him blush.

"i love you George I really do and I want to spend the rest of my live knowing that you love me back" I sounded like a love sick teenager,but it was true;I loved George with all my hearts content.The way he sang and played guitar.The way he would blush when I complemented him or the way he would kiss me.His kisses were like being kissed by an angel.They were so soft,so warm and so comferting.

He snuggled into my neck and breathed."of course I love you ringo.I will never stop loving you." he said hugging me harder."i George Harrison solemnly swear to love thee Richard Starkey" I laughed at what he said and kissed him.

"thank you georgie" I said grabbing the shampoo bottle.I squirted a bit on my hand and started rubbing it into his hair.

                       Georges POV.

Ringo started washing my hair,and as much as this sounds weird,it felt nice.It made me feel like I was a little boy again from when my mum would wash my hair.

After he had finished washing it,I quickly rinsed the shampoo out and washed ringos.He kissed me on my neck and I let out a groan."ringo" I said running my hands through his now cleaned hair.I watxhd him get the soap bar,and started rubbing it down my chest,moving ever so slowly.He then moved down to my stomache, then to my waist and then to my private area.He moved the soap in circles on my inner thigh,making sure his hands were extra soapy,before dropping the soap (kinda like the Carrie scene XD)

my breathes were unsteady and I was skaing under his touch.He started to rub my member and I groaned.I grabbed another soap bar and washed his chest,stomache and then waist.Covering my hands in soap,I but it back and moved ringos hand."i think its my turn to pleasure you" I said seductively before rubbing his member,making him groan.

I took it into my hands and started to move,the soap forming bubbles around it."geo-George" ringo said burying his head in my neck.

I moved my hand cousing him to moan out again.He grazed his teeth across my skin,and that feeling was so amazing.You know the feeling you get when you open a present on your birthday and its the thing you really wanted so you get all excited?Yeah thats what this feels like.

"rin-ringo" I said my voice quivering.I stopped moving my hand,and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.He pushed me up against the wall and licked my bottom lip for entrance,I gladly agreed.Ringo tasted of sweets,mint and cigarettes and to be quite honest,I liked it.

Ringo grabbed my waist and lifted me up.I wrapped my legs around him and felt him push in.

"ah Ri-ringo" I groaned as he started to move.He smiled and carried on.


After our "alond time" in the shower,we got dressed and snuggled up on the sofa."what is it that you like about me geo?" ringo asked giving my a squeeze.I sat there and thought about it.

"well your handsome,very handsome.Your and amazing drummer.You sing like and angel.Your so sweet and kind and always know how to make me 'appy" I said looking ringo in the eye.He smiled and kissed me.

a/n: I'm going to dedicate this chapter to @ringos_gone_parading on instagram as I know she likes a bit of starrison...go follow her!

also thank you so much for reading it really means a lot . I started the story not  that long ago and already its got over 1k you all so much.

love it,like it,hate it? let me know!

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